AMC-10 Launched

A_Noland said:
I believe AMC-15 is the Satellite that DISH will use. It isn't to be launched until summer.

Thats what I thought, however if this is the DBS satelite going to 105.5, doesn't SES still need final FCC approval to use this slot for DBS service in the USA?
SES's 105.5, if approved, could be the solution many have looked for that want to purchase ala carte. Competition is good.
Chris Freeland said:
Is this the FSS satellite that is going to 105 to replace the old satellite that E* is leasing from SES or is it the DBS satellite going to 105.5?
AMC 10 is a C band going to 135 replacing Satcom C-4. Being advertised as giving cable companies the option for more HD content.
Chris Freeland said:
Thats what I thought, however if this is the DBS satelite going to 105.5, doesn't SES still need final FCC approval to use this slot for DBS service in the USA?
AMC-15, scheduled to leave Russia for 105 in August, will have 24 FSS Ku band transponders - just like AMC-2 that it is replacing except the footprint will be slightly better. (Only slightly.)

See Here for more information

IF the FCC allows DBS band transmission from 105.5 it will take a DBS band bird to fill that slot. E* does have a spare in orbit that could do the job, plus with E*10 llaunching next year they will have another available bird.


BIG DIsh or little??

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