Anyone loose SC for the last 10 minutes?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 23, 2005
Strangest thing I have seen in a while if anyone was up and watching SC. Was watching the HD Movie Channel. Signal disappeared. Figured it must be a heavy rain. Looked outside and saw nothing. Pulled up weather radar and saw nothing. Wallked outside and clear night - can see all the stars.

Wondering if the HD Bird burped??? :confused:

Anyone else see anything or have it on a DVR?

Roughly 6:18am - 6:28am Eastern.
There is some severe weather up here in Canada'er. The uplink centre for that set of channels may have been affected.

My ExpressVU has been in and out around that time as well.

Maybe thats why occassionally get drop outs here for no apparent reason especially on the hd channels.
Well, the led went red on both IRDs for over 10 minutes.

I haven't seen anything like this - usually I will attribute it to an infrequent rain out here - but again, I could see literally million of lightyears - so I know that wasn't the case this time.

Bell ExpressVU Uplink Report - 10-04-2006

What size dish do I need for 91 nimiq 1 in deep south florida?

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