Archiving to DVD; increasing Tivo storage

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Jan 30, 2004
A couple of questions:

1. Can I get a USB-to-Ethernet cable, connect the Tivo to my router, and "see" the content I've recorded on my home network? I'd like to archive the content on DVD but all I have now is a PC DVD burner, not a standalone.

2. What is the easiest way to increase the storage on my DirecTivo DVR?

My model is a Samsung DVR 40GB.

Thanks in advance!
elpingumayor said:
A couple of questions:

2. What is the easiest way to increase the storage on my DirecTivo DVR?
Increase the size of your harddrive, if your or someone you know is comfortable opening the case. Check out:
Tivo Ugrade Instructions
Weaknees Instructions

You can also buy a ready-to-go harddrive to just stick into the box plus several other options, available from the second link. (Note: I haven't purchased from them so I am not making a recommendation but the instructions are well respected.)
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