AZBox entry level?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 2, 2006
Maiden Rock, WI
I want a AZBox entry level, bare bone, basic receiver that get's DVB-S2 & 4:2:2. Don't need blind scan, PVR, nothing. I see there is a Me and Mini Me on their web sight. Are these available and will they do what I need them to do? Also it needs to have HDMI output which any of these boxes should already have. Thanks
the elite would be the "bare bones" model....That was the original azbox (I have great for HD & 4:2:2....dont care about the rest)
I'll second that Elite suggestion as I have one also. Problem is the only ones you're likely to find will be used since I don't think they have made any new ones in a while. I've also got an Ultra, which I would put at #2 and if you can do without 4.2.2, which I seldom see anyway then an Openbox S9 is an excellent choice for under $100. In fact, there's a couple of those on fleabay right now that are around that price.
Thanks guys, I need the 4:2:2 and would use my Pansat-9500HDX for blind scan and just manual trans. scan the AZBox if I need something that's 4:2:2 I'll look into the Elite.
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Mind teaser or too much spare time.......

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