Even with AZBox now, many threads contain overlapping content and devoted to the same subject. Hope, most aren't created just to raise AZBox offer awareness, but to discuss various features.

But some AZBox threads are repeatedly created by the same members, and discuss exactly same features in the same limited manner, adding literally nothing new. Not sure, if it's to promote the STB or themselves.
probably neither. Since the azbox is changing weekly or even daily, there are always new things with it changing. Sure some of it can go in one thread but yes some stuff gets across couple threads. I didnt know that it really mattered.
You have to realize something......we are not like "other boards" here in the FTA area. I go to other boards and post a question and the next response is "search" or even closing the thread. If you were a newbie how would you like that? That is what I DONT want to be. I want to encourage new folks to ask questions and get the knowledge they need to work with the FTA system. When I got mine 6 years ago, there weren't FTA specific areas on boards. We were part of "general satellite" or "non dbs satellite".
Anyway, if separate STB Model sections are created, same approach is long overdue to Sat PC Tuners as well. There are several models that are long time high in popularity, or just interest members more due to more advanced chipsets used. And its hard to find some info fast on these models without devoting a section for each, like Twinhan or DVBWorld brands.
serious question.....are you a spokesman for PC cards? It seems you talk about those constantly and bash STB receivers. Have you looked in the PC card area? It isnt that busy. I even helped you out by changing the default of "show threads". Normally its 30 days but I changed it to 2 months (or 75 days I forget) to give it more exposure (and I guess to make you happy). Why would we need subsections when there isnt enough traffic in there to begin with? The search feature does work pretty well and you can see all the topics with that key word in it...or god forbid open a new thread on a specific model.
What's troubling, the forum organizers don't want to state their position on the issue and reveal motives behind it. Section creation is just quietly blocked, and members are offered to search for hours in the forum archive for some rear info, which can be accessed in minutes ones the data is properly organized.
OK now you've done something that takes a LOT to do and that is piss me off.
Hackers calling me every name in the book dont piss me off
Frickin Tim, techfizzle, and the other 30 names he tried to use here dont piss me off
People getting mad at me because of a decision I made dont piss me off
But you did with that above part...congratulations
The only "organizer" for the FTA area is
me. Scott is the site owner but when he created the FTA area, he gave me and another mod who is no longer here due to his actions the keys and said "your sandbox. You run it how you want" and he has stayed out of it. Yes we talk about changes but ultimately it goes back to me. The FTA area is my baby. The other areas here I do check in on since I am staff but I try and keep the FTA area how we like it and honestly I think its the best damn one out there.
Gee you sent me a PM Saturday afternoon and I looked at it and was thinking it over. Then I got a call of a family emergency and if you've noticed the last 3 days I've been off most of the day. Little hard to get anything done when you are at the hospital pretty much all the time. Today is the first time since Saturday that I have actually had some "me" time and havent had to worry about other stuff....well I still worry as I will be making more trips to the hospital probably daily. So I'm sorry I didn't respond right then and there with my "motives" when a family emergency is more important to me than some frickin PM about making subsections for an area that I move
MORE threads
OUT OF then threads are created. If you look there have been 47 threads in the last 75 days in the PC card area. There have been 63 threads in the last 30 days of the FTA Shack, which is more of the off topic stuff. The PC card area is not that busy.
As to the searching, gee cant anyone take the info and figure out if its old info is it still accurate? Gee I do searches on old receivers all the time here and take that info and decide.
Most of the staff here at Satelliteguys is against subforum hell. We use to have it in the Dish area and that got shot down.
Right now we have a pretty simple forum setup for new folks to navigate
-OT stuff is the Shack
-C-Band is in C-Band
-4DTV is in 4DTV
-PC cards in PC cards
-the rest in the main area
and even right now I do lots of moving threads from various areas (Shack to main, PC Card to main or shack, etc). I dont want a newbie to come with a question and go "now where should that thread go? I'm having issues with my setup so does it go in the motor section, the Fortec receiver section or other? Ah hell, I'll just post in all three". That goes back to Brent's post about multiple posts and folks who "stay" in their own area.
Subforums create more issues then they help.
And the number of repetitive threads will drop twice, while number of the site visitors will increase due to better info accessibility, thus raising Sat. Guys forum rating and funds generating opportunities.
I have no comment on that...not even worth it.
As to parallel threads in each STB model sections, this can be cured by moderation. If one has a question about dish setup, why place it in AZBox forum anyway simply because you have this STB, unless particular unique UI features are involved, which are of no interest to other make owners.
There is already enough moderation here with me moving threads. Once a week I go and move threads from the FTA Shack to the main area because they are more technical. If a thread needs moving right away it is done.
It seems like you don't like the way I moderate here. You posted a bunch of links that either went to a hack site or had a virus on it so they were deleted. I don't care if a site has a "true FTA" area if its a site that caters to hackers I dont want the link posted here. You got mad about it because I deleted them.
Then you sent me a PM because you and someone else posted in the PC card area your thoughts about breaking off posts from a thread to another and got mad because I didn't move them right then and there. I DONT READ EVERY POST HERE so unless someone tells me about it I don't know about it. As soon as I got a PM they were moved. Now you're all huffy and on this "rampage" about subsections in the PC card area. My post above about the different receivers getting their own subsection was a joke. We had never had a subsection for a specific receiver but with more folks getting an azbox it has been thought of even before this thread was created.
There...now i feel better (I guess considering I have other things on my mind right now)