I am extremely concerned that the AMC deal will poison the British content. I watch BBC America because it's as close as I can get to being able to watch British content. Unfortunately it's been poisoned by the incessant reruns of Star Trek TNG. And it's not even the remastered versions, it's the horrible VHS quality crap and they only run from a pool of a few dozen episodes and not the entire series. The US commercials are extremely annoying. I truly and deeply hate commercials.

And it horrifies me to even consider the train wreck that would be if AMC were to begin meddling with the production of Doctor Who. NO! JUST DON'T !!

As for "Discovery", they should be banned and outlawed and broken up because everything they produce is CRAP.

I would gladly pay the BBC their yearly license fee to be able to watch any and all of the BBC channels as if I were sitting in London watching. I love the stuff they produce and I love that it's commercial free. To me it's completely worth the license fee, £145.50 which is about $216 a year in dollars. I see people complaining about the fee over there. They should come over here and suffer through the tripe that we are stuck with. They would change their tune real quick.
AFAIK, they were showing TNG before AMC took over. I never understood why. Because there's a British actor in it?
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AFAIK, they were showing TNG before AMC took over. I never understood why. Because there's a British actor in it?

Must be. I sort of liked it back in the day. But they've run it into the ground with endless reruns. And why not just run them all? Naw, too easy. Let's just buy a few random episodes from a few random seasons and run them over and over until the tape breaks. From what I've heard the series was remastered and released on Blu-ray and is supposed to look pretty good. Like how they remastered the original Star Trek (which I like very much) But the copies they run look liked they bootlegged them from the guy down the street who has 6 episodes per VHS tape in SLP mode. It's absolutely awful...

And for Gordon Ramsay, I sort of liked it for about 4 months until I noticed they were rerunning the same few dozen shows over and over as well.

BBC America is being massively mismanaged. Who ever is in charge of programming is a flunky.

BLOODY HELL BBC! WE WANT TO SEE BRITISH SHOWS!!!! Please do not give us more American shows. Please take American shows off your channel and replace them with British shows!
Please give back to us the BBC news.
I see BBC America is stopping their BBC World News Morning broadcast next week. We're left with the PBS BBC World News America as the closest some of us can get.
I found out today that BBC Am has dropped BBC World News really pisses me off too. It means I will have to watch it on line. That means I will have to watch on PC monitor which is an HD 27 but I still will have to watch it on it and not easily be able to record it to watch later like I have been doing.
Just saw an ad on dish on BBCA for the BBC World News. I'm hoping a deal is about to be in the works for Dish to carry it full time. I'm really crossing my fingers on that. Oh forgot to say the url from the ad is
Maybe the fact that Capt. Picard speaks like a Shakesperian Actor in full British accent , is why they keep Star Trek Next Generation on BBC America.:music
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BBC America shows mostly the dumbest stuff from the BBC, geared towards an American audience. That's why it had endless Top Gear marathons, a bunch of Gordon Ramsey, and at one time there was also a ton of property makeover shows.

About the only stuff worth watching on BBCA is Graham Norton and Dr Who. The best stuff from the UK, whether BBC or ITV, seems to be carried on PBS. When I dropped down to AT120, I was concerned I might miss BBCA. But, nope, not a sausage.
BBC America shows mostly the dumbest stuff from the BBC, geared towards an American audience. That's why it had endless Top Gear marathons, a bunch of Gordon Ramsey, and at one time there was also a ton of property makeover shows.

About the only stuff worth watching on BBCA is Graham Norton and Dr Who.
...and Orphan Black.
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True. I haven't watched it. But, it looks very interesting, and gets great reviews. I thought it was also available from Netflix or Amazon Prime, as well. Is that not the case? I was hoping to watch it there.
S 1&2 are on Amazon Prime. S3 starts Saturday on BBCA.
BBC America shows mostly the dumbest stuff from the BBC, geared towards an American audience. That's why it had endless Top Gear marathons, a bunch of Gordon Ramsey, and at one time there was also a ton of property makeover shows.

About the only stuff worth watching on BBCA is Graham Norton and Dr Who. The best stuff from the UK, whether BBC or ITV, seems to be carried on PBS. When I dropped down to AT120, I was concerned I might miss BBCA. But, nope, not a sausage.
You missed Orphan Black...

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