So I was unhappy with Dish about dropping FX, and figured I would see about making the leap to DirecTV. I have 7 TV's, 3 of which I would like HD content on. I called, spent ~30 minutes on the phone getting everything set up (I was VERY happy with the programming package/price, they also set up 6 tv's, 1 HD DVR, 1 HD and 2 Dual tuner receivers for the 4 of the 5 other tv's.), at which time the person selling the service assured me that customer service would work with me on adding an additional HD receiver for the 7th tv for less than $99 touting "we have the best customer service 9 years running". So I get everything ordered, and they transfer me, first I get transferred to the wrong person, and then another wrong person, finally I get over to customer service (I guess that is customer service?). I explain to him I need an additional HD receiver, he says it is $199 (which is now more than the $99 from before). I explain to him how I just signed up, and when I signed up, they said they would work with me on the price. He said I can't do that. I responded by saying I would like to cancel my order, because that is not the impression I was under. He replied with a smart ass "so because I won't give you a discount on the receiver you want to cancel your order." I told him that is correct. He responds by saying "you made the correct decision" then muttered something else, and hung up on me. I was worried about making the switch, but now, I have no problem sticking with Dish, thanks for making my decision an easy one.