The Best Consumer Electoronics Show (CES) Award for the Jan 8 2004 conference does not go to Dishnetworks 921.
It goes to the HDTV Direct Tivo which is due out soon.
Both Dish and Direct TV will be showing off there product.
There are rumors that the Direct HD Tivo may even have the Home Media Option turned on which will alow streaming of movies to other Direct Tivos in your house (like the standard Tivos all have for an extra fee).
Since both release dates will be close, I would suggest waiting till they both come out so we can all compare.
Pciture (notice it is smaller than the 921)
Here is the other side to DBS where they make fun of the 921
I am not saying one is better than the other, just that it would be wise to gather all the facts on both products before paying out $700-$1000 and a new one year contract. Once you buy it will be hard to change your mind.
It goes to the HDTV Direct Tivo which is due out soon.
Both Dish and Direct TV will be showing off there product.
There are rumors that the Direct HD Tivo may even have the Home Media Option turned on which will alow streaming of movies to other Direct Tivos in your house (like the standard Tivos all have for an extra fee).
Since both release dates will be close, I would suggest waiting till they both come out so we can all compare.
Pciture (notice it is smaller than the 921)
Here is the other side to DBS where they make fun of the 921
I am not saying one is better than the other, just that it would be wise to gather all the facts on both products before paying out $700-$1000 and a new one year contract. Once you buy it will be hard to change your mind.