Black Eye Friday for Best Buy

They are definitely stepping into it with customers this year. There's also the demands debacle with the transformer prime, but that's only partly their fault.

Between these two they are showing some serious issues within the company. Long term, they need to address issues such as these or they'll be in serious trouble.


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Never watch ANY commercials, so I don't even know that commercial. :)

I think Best Buy needs to re-think a lot of things. seems to me there will always be a need for a brick-and-mortar tech store, Amazon is great, but there is a huge benefit to the tactile feel of being in the store and looking at stuff. Yet, on many things their prices are crazy expensive.
That, and those awful commercials where they try to compete with Santa Claus and make him look bad.......

Who thought THAT was a good idea?

probably the same people that thought the Subway commercials with the people talking like 4 year olds (after sucking helium or snorting a big line of coke) was a good idea
probably the same people that thought the Subway commercials with the people talking like 4 year olds (after sucking helium or snorting a big line of coke) was a good idea

I did see that one. It was funny the FIRST time, and never again. :)
I just bought a tv from their website during a sale and thought I was not going to get the tv after reading other reviews of others stating they were also getting delays then orders cancelled while some said after a week it would finally show as the item being shipped.

The coolest iPhone/iPod touch accessory ever...

iPad 2 or Galaxy Tab 10.1?

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