I had the exact same problem this morning. It has worked fine for 6 weeks straight with no issues. As I was heading out to work, I only had time to do basic troubleshooting (restarted router, had item request IP address again, which it got a new one so I know that's working). I plan on digging into it more when I get home, but that really makes me wonder if Dish didn't do something last night that messed it up...?
Reboot the receiver?

You don't mention which satellite receiver you have but have you rebooted the receiver? If just rebooting doesn't help then unplug the receiver from the power for about 5 - 10 minutes and then plug it back into the power.

I have a 722 and I did restart it but didn't unplug it. Once it was back running it had an IP and everything but still said "Not Connected". I will try to unplug it when I get home tonight. I am still thinking Dish messed something up on there end.

Thanks again,
Same problem here, but no message of failure since I have phone line hooked up, I guess..
Yep, I've seen that warning message on my 722 twice in the past few weeks. Yet it is connected to the router same as before forever.
Same thing here on my 722. Also seeing reports that DishComm is not working on receivers now too. So I am thinking it something that Dish has done.
Same problem here. Further investigation shows my 722 scheduled to update at 2:00AM CDT worked fine (via broadband) but the 722 scheduled to update at 3:00AM CDT did not connect.

The problem seems to be with Level 3 Comm. as their server at appears to be unreachable. My logs show that this is one of the two connections my 722s make. The other is to which is assigned to sling-box but that connection remains established. Hopefully this is a temporary outage on Level 3s part.
Thanks everybody. I appreciate the insight.
Same thing on my 622. I have done everything but unplug the receiver but seeing all the others that are having issues I doubt that is going to fix the issue. Sounds like something Dish has done.
I am having the same problem also, and it just started this morning. I tried resetting the connection and I get a set of IP address, subnet mask, and Primary DNS numbers, but the secondary DNS numbers are If you go to help it says that you should not get for any of these items. I have a 722 and a 622 and both boxes have the same problem. I have no idea what Secondary DNS is, but it seems to be causing the problem.
I doubt the secondary DNS is causing the problem. It stands for "domain name system". It translates the words into the corresponding digits for website addresses. They have a bigger problem on thier hands.
I have no entries and I have the problem so I doubt that is causing the trouble.
same here. 622 hooked up for months, now no connectivity, even though adapter shows its on, ethernet connected and security on. On the 622 it shows IP, DNS, and Sub, but no connectivity. So yesterday, I reloaded everything, and got it to work, to have the same thing again this morning. Since we all are having this same issue, surely our fearless techies in Colorado are on it.
I got the same message this morning. Dish done goofed something up again.
I am having the same problem and Dish tech support is claiming everything at my home is bad and they have no idea what the hell to do or say. May Directv save all of us.
I will throw my hat in the ring and say that this happened to me too this morning - on both of my 722s that are connected to the same router. I know there's nothing wrong with the router since I connected something else to it and it was working fine. Everything looks fine in the Broadband setup screen and I have both primary and secondary DNS setup as well as the IP assigned to the receivers. It just says "Not Connected".

What have you done Dish?
Happened to me as well. Restarted the box, router, dsl modem, and reset the connection. Still get a failure when I do the tests on the box. I am connected via homeplug and am using the 722

Thats exactly what I am experiencing on my 722 and also on my 211.
Same here on my 722 - worked yesterday and not today.

Simple stuff didn't fix it.
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