Broadcast Networks Programming Discussion Thread

Here Are All the Shows That Have Been Renewed or Canceled Since June
You've heard it before and you'll hear it again: TV is a year-round "thing" now, with both broadcast and cable networks doing what they can to air new programming throughout all 12 months, instead of just focusing on the September–May schedule of yore. But of course that means show cancellations and renewals are also a year-round thing now, and this summer has been particularly heavy on them. As a result, our annual list of what's renewed, what's canceled, and what's still in between—which we generally stop updating at the end of May—isn't as helpful as it was a few months ago! So here's a quick list of everything that's been renewed or canceled since the beginning of June, give or take a few shows.
If in wrong place please move and I apologize!

Star Trek: Prodigy