BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

And YES, Tigh would have to be older than the original tin cans. While we know that Tigh and Adama have known each other for 40 years, we don't know if Tigh actually was "hatched" sometime before that.

Of course that assumes that the humanoid cylons are original recipies, and not just copies of already existing humans that have been body snatched or the like. If the later, then Tigh might be rather young... perhaps dating even as recently as his "solitary" on New Caprica.
if the four are indeed cylons and not just brainwashed and maybe had chips implanted... my take on numero cinco is Rosiln

I think Roslin is a good candidate. But they will have a LOT of explaining to do in terms of the last five. And Kara is definitely a big question-mark.
And YES, Tigh would have to be older than the original tin cans. While we know that Tigh and Adama have known each other for 40 years, we don't know if Tigh actually was "hatched" sometime before that.

Of course that assumes that the humanoid cylons are original recipies, and not just copies of already existing humans that have been body snatched or the like. If the later, then Tigh might be rather young... perhaps dating even as recently as his "solitary" on New Caprica.

Certainly possible; although I am not convinced yet.

You know the best thing? With UHD, we get to go through the entire second half of the season again, and try to look both for clues, and better understand where it is going.... AND with pretty darn good PQ at that! :D
Certainly possible; although I am not convinced yet.

You know the best thing? With UHD, we get to go through the entire second half of the season again, and try to look both for clues, and better understand where it is going.... AND with pretty darn good PQ at that! :D

Yet, once again with the taunt and teasing of HD. Ok...that's it. I'm soooo going into debt this week and upgrading to the 622 :p
I'm pretty convinced that the 5th one is Starbuck. Given what we know (she crashed and died, then she downloaded and that's how she ends up in a captured Viper freaking-out Apollo - lots of speculation, I know), she the most obvious choice at this point.

Roslin is a wildcard possibility as well, given her pained reaction at the fleet-wide power outage after the jump, but I'm still leaning towards Starbuck as being the 5th of the final 5 Cylons...
Yet, once again with the taunt and teasing of HD. Ok...that's it. I'm soooo going into debt this week and upgrading to the 622 :p

Sorry webbydude. Go into debt for it; its worth it. This past weekend was the Boxing episode. The best PQ yet of flashback scenes from New Caprica; and the boxing itself was in its HD glory, plus DD5.1 sound ;)
No doubt about it, the PQ on the flashbacks to New Caprica was very good. DD5.1 is always a bonus too. :)

I think part of it has to do with the intentional kind of hazy bright sunlight distortion they put into the original New Caprica episodes. For some reason they let these shots go in full-color without that grainy kind of haze.

Regardless, it was sweet in HD.
I think that haze effect was supposedly due to the fact that the star and New Caprica planet were in a fairly dense nebula, so dust between the star and planet would create that constant refracting/reflecting haze (nice touch by the post-production folks too).

I don't know why they let it go without the effect on UHD, but I agree, it made for really sweet-looking HD.
I think that haze effect was supposedly due to the fact that the star and New Caprica planet were in a fairly dense nebula, so dust between the star and planet would create that constant refracting/reflecting haze (nice touch by the post-production folks too).

I don't know why they let it go without the effect on UHD, but I agree, it made for really sweet-looking HD.

I don't think it had anything to do with the HD version; the earlier HD episodes still had the haze. It was just a filming choice, or perhaps oversight. Regardless, it was NICE seeting everything so bright, with crisp colors.
1. I was stunned by the last episode turn of events.

2. Starbuck could have easily ejected from the viper before it exploded, and was picked up by the cylons.

3. The explosion could have been the cylon raider not Starbuck, remember it went into the clouds then the explosion happened, never quite saw what exploded or if there was an ejection.

4. Roslin could be suffering the effects of the cylon hybrid blood.

There are just too many ways to write around anything right now. Even the 4 cylons could not really be cylons. They could have been experimented on by the cylons on New Caprica. What if they all have chips in their heads like Baltar thinks he has? What if Baltar is a cylon? What if they are not cylons but think they are because of some treatment on New Caprica? Perhaps the chiefs earlier love for a cylon is now explained? If cylons are identical to humans in every way (i.e. only Dr Baltar's invention could tell them apart, maybe but we never really found out if it worked or not after showing positive on Sharon) how are they programmed to be cylons instead of being human? How can Sharon put a computer cable in her arm and take over computer functions, yet this mysterious interface is not detectable by means where they could simply screen the fleet for people with computer interfaces in their arms?

The list if loose ends goes on forever when talking about BSG. What is making it such a good series is the writing and acting. It is an intense human drama with the technological items really glossed over.

The biggest irritant here again is Sci-Fi channel. How many series can they kill off with their insane production schedule? They take their hottest series off the air for 9 months!?!?!!?! I think they somewhat saw the errors of thier ways by trying to come up with an "event" by the end of the year. This is what I think killed off SG-SG1. It is in danger of killing off Atlantis, who knows Atlantis could aready be dead, will they get the viewers back after this long?
If there had been a raider there, Apollo was in the perfect position to see it and he didn't report seeing it and I sure didn't see one anywhere in the frame-by-frame I did for 15 minutes (viewed the crash/explosion and aftermath several times so I could examine various areas of the scene). I saw no evidence of a raider.
I know this is old news, but your comments had me questioning my recollection of events. The first picture is about 6:41 from the end of my 622 recording of this episode and the second shot clearly shows the Cylon heavy raider in the upper-left of the frame and Kara's Viper rising from below, with Lee's Viper in the foreground. But for some reason, Lee doesn't mention it, and it isn't until the Cylon's ship disappears into one of the cloud formations that Lee says he had visual of Kara's ship. Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."

mike123abc, as I was taking these pictures, I should have taken a few of the explosion to address your third comment, but it was clearly a Viper that went *kerblamo*. You could see that there was a pilot in the cockpit as the nose of the Viper started to trail flames. Of course, single-framing the explosion, there is a "chance" that the canopy came off as something is seen leaving the top section of the Viper for the three frames before the blinding white flash. But it could have been pieces of the ship just as easily as it could have been Starbuck punching out.


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That's why I tend to think we're going to get some additional info that we didn't get before on the whole heavy raider/punch-out/viper crash scene when season 4 starts. They will have to tell us how she survived that.

Some news I found:

From site

First up, some potential good news for Battlestar fans: Our friends over at TV Shows on have reported that Battlestar Galactica: Season Three is expected to arrive on DVD in August. This lines up nicely with our information from The Rumor Mill from a few weeks ago, in which we posted that Universal currently plans the high-definition release of Battlestar Galactica: Season One on the HD-DVD format in September. We should also note that a 2-hour Battlestar movie special, featuring Admiral Cain and the Pegasus, will debut this fall on Sci-Fi and will be available a couple of days later on DVD. All of this is designed to keep the series fresh in the minds of fans leading up to the fourth season kick-off on Sci-Fi in early 2008.
First up, some potential good news for Battlestar fans: Our friends over at TV Shows on have reported that Battlestar Galactica: Season Three is expected to arrive on DVD in August. This lines up nicely with our information from The Rumor Mill from a few weeks ago, in which we posted that Universal currently plans the high-definition release of Battlestar Galactica: Season One on the HD-DVD format in September.
This, and the dropping price of HD-DVD players, might push me over the top on getting an HD-DVD player.:D
This, and the dropping price of HD-DVD players, might push me over the top on getting an HD-DVD player.:D

I won't say that I haven't been tempted to buy a player in either format (or LG's player, that plays both HD formats, though it doesn't handle the HD-DVD menus very well). I plan to just wait and see how the format war goes. I got burned in the VHS vs. Beta war and I don't want to do that again.

The format war isn't good for the industry or the consumer.

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