BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

Not watching it tonight (my wife is home and does not like BSG)... but I am curious to see how accurate the spoliers we got were.

I'd still like to see Baltar go through an airlock. ;)
What was the blurb on Sci Fi about "BSG in 2008"? Don't tell me we have to wait until next year!
Spoiler Ahead

[PIE]You have been warned[/PIE]

So, Starbuck is definitely a Cylon? That is how I took it.

I'm guessing:
A- They were not under attack
B- The Cylons they saw were friendly
C- Earth is inhabited by Cylons and Humans
D- Season 4 is about flashbacks to fill in the holes and the friendly Cylons with humans against the mean Cylons
E- Baltar will end up causing the friendly Cylons to Run away (13th tribe) and the humans will have to flee to a new set of the 12 Colonies ("this has all happened before and will happen again")

Or, everyone is a Cylon of somesort and there are just different types.
Frack me and the Gods!!!! What an ending.

I am having a hard time with the idea of Saul Tigh as a toaster; same with the chief. If so, then there is another half-cylon half-human. (His kid).

As far as the "Continues in 2008" that was B.S. It is NOT what has been reported in this forum from sciFi's own press releases in the past. Although I think they did say what, October or November.
I debated on the spoiler tags. But at this point, I'm just guessing. So here it goes...

1) What the hell...only 4 out of the 5 "missing" Cylons showed up. Hmmm....does that mean Baltar or Kara is #5 (or even Hendrix, no human can play a guitar THAT well...LOL)

2)Speaking of such, here's the particulars on that version of "Along The Watchtower"

3)I think Moore said earlier this season that the revelation of the "final 5" would make people "rethink what it means to be Cylon." Clearly for many of the reasons people are already bringing up, that's the case. The "Final 5" are definitely something vastly different from the other "skinjobs." How different of course remains to be seen, but even the other skinjobs don't know who/what the "final 5" are. Tigh's presence means that some "skinjobs" are as old (or older?) than the original mechanical Cylons. Or at the very least that some sort of Cylon "presence" has been around predating the first Cylon War.

Of course, this is all operating under the assumption that the characters are correct in believing themselves Cylons. Certainly it's the logical conclusion for them to jump to within the confines of their own in-universe experiences. But as the viewers we know this show likes to play with people's expectations, so there may very well be another explanation that we have yet to see. Or maybe it's a combination of both. Either way they're definitely "different."

4)....and finally....
I've been wondering from almost the beginning if the whole "Earth as the lost colony" isn't a sham, and in actuality the colonies were founded by Earth in the distant past, but for some reason lost the historical record/whatever. Basically that the "Lords of Kobol" were commanders of colony missions from Earth or the like. It'd explain most of the "parallel development" that we've seen better than "colonists from the colonies came to Earth in the distant past, but we forgot everything/lost the technology, then redeveloped most of it again."

I find it interesting that the Colonies have this history that stretches for millenia (and apparently had interstellar travel capabilities for that entire span of time), but no one's made any mention of where the "colonists" originally came from. Who were the ones doing the "colonization" in the first place? How does a society that has FTL/Interstellar travel capability for millenia not have a complete historical record of this "lost colony?" Clearly something has happened in the intervening millenia to mar their knowledge of history. They might arrive at Earth to find a lifeless, used-up (natural resource wise) husk of a planet. :p
I really enjoyed Webbydude's analysis.

I am still processing. Particularly about the four that have been revealed. And YES, Tigh would have to be older than the original tin cans. While we know that Tigh and Adama have known each other for 40 years, we don't know if Tigh actually was "hatched" sometime before that.

Just way to much to think about! :D
I think I have a pretty good idea who the 5th cylon is, again assuming the other four are correct in their diagnosis of themselves.
Did anybody else happen to notice that Laura Roslin was in obvious extreme pain exactly when the power went off throughout the entire fleet? If she is a cylon, well I guess that changes everything? I still can't explain Kara showing up though.

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