Call from Dish Network Today

I am also a victim of the new 'logging' software. Here's what I have figured out. Everything pretty much works the same with a couple of major exceptions.

Whenever you get to a screen that is going to do something involving recording, the device freezes.

A reset restarts the 522 and the recording will start properly.

If I try to create a timer and there is no conflict, it will lock up at the create timer screen. If there is a conflict, it will let me try to resolve the conflict and lock up at the resolve conflict screen.

If I am watching a program and I click the record button, after the record message options appear at the bottom of the screen, clicking the select button causes it to lock up.

The tech support person I called tried to have me do a switch test. TV2 was recording and when I clicked OK on the warning screen, it locked up.

I tried to record a PPV movie last night. The first time, it let me purchase and cancel one confilict. After rebooting, I was able to cancel the second conflict. After rebooting a second time, I was able to schedule the recording. After rebooting the 3rd time, I was able to watch the recording, except for locking up about 5 minutes into it. I rebooted a 4th time and was able to watch the movie without further interuption.

Dish's inability to produce working software should have clued us into the fact that they probably wouldn't be able procuce logging software that would be problem-free.

What I find particularly galling is the fact that no one in tech support or advanced tech support seems to know anything about this. This is a communications company that apparently doesn't communicate much with its own employees.

Even more surprising is that they roll out the software at the end of the week and don't have anyone on duty that can address the problems that they produce.

I have a phone extension for this that I am going to try to use to contact someone, but the advanced tech told me there wouldn't be anyone there until afyter 8:00 AM monday. If anyone with this software needs the extension, PM me.
Here's an update . . . The extension I was given is an invalid phone number. The tech I spoke with today took my email address and said that this was the way they would communicate with me.

My guess is that anyone that is allowed to speak on the phone has no idea about this software version.

My wife got a phone call on Friday about the phone not being hooked up. The person left a phone number that I will try tomorrow.
itsonthedish said:
Just keep the phone line plugged in and you wont have that problem...

I hate when people post something completely stupid without reading the thread first.

The problem is that the phone line IS PLUGGED IN but the receiver is not calling in and the fee is being charged, which is one of the problems being tested. Perhaps if you would actually read the thread, you would have known that. If you don't know what you're talking about, it's usually best to just shut up so that you don't look like a complete fool.
You guys that are having the reboots with the logging software, are you in dual mode or single mode? I have been setting timers, deleting timers, etc. and I cannot make mine reboot (logging software installed). I've done some manual record button recording as well - no problems. I am in dual mode. I will try to do more testing of actual timer firing. I have some set for later today and I'll see how they go. Some previously configured (before logging installed) weekly ones, and a few new ones. Sorry to hear of the problems people are seeing. I guess I'm lucky or something.
haertig said:
You guys that are having the reboots with the logging software, are you in dual mode or single mode? I have been setting timers, deleting timers, etc. and I cannot make mine reboot (logging software installed). I've done some manual record button recording as well - no problems. I am in dual mode. I will try to do more testing of actual timer firing. I have some set for later today and I'll see how they go. Some previously configured (before logging installed) weekly ones, and a few new ones. Sorry to hear of the problems people are seeing. I guess I'm lucky or something.

I am in dual mode. Both instances of reboots have been when some aspect of the DVR features are being used. The first time, I was watching a playback of a recording when it just stopped and wouldn't respond for about 15 seconds. The second time, I had hit the Record button and had selected an extended ending. When I hit OK, the "Rec" image didnt show up on the screen although the red light came on and a few seconds later, the live recording stopped. The receiver would not respond and would not turn off via remote. Had to do a hard reboot. Even though the Record light was on, nothing was recorded prior to signal acquisition after the reboot.
Hey guys,

I am not sure who was accepted into their testing program, but it sounds like you guys are already doing a good job in finding a bug with the logging software. :)

I unfortunately do not know who was selected for the tests, but I will try getting you guys help tommorow when the engeneering department is back at Dish.
I am sure Robert at VE would be happy to help them switch to DirecTV too!!! Sorry for the plug fellas, I truly empathize with you. Nothing stinks more than having your equipment broken by the signal provider. I have been gone from DISH since with 301 / 501PVR days for these exact reasons.

E* is the JD power leader in class for customer service, I am sure they will get y'all taken care of in the short run.
slacker9876 said:
I am sure Robert at VE would be happy to help them switch to DirecTV too!!! Sorry for the plug fellas, I truly empathize with you. Nothing stinks more than having your equipment broken by the signal provider. I have been gone from DISH since with 301 / 501PVR days for these exact reasons.

E* is the JD power leader in class for customer service, I am sure they will get y'all taken care of in the short run.

I agreed to participate in the test and, although I was told that performance would not be affected which obviously isnt the case, I'm happy to continue participating in the long as it doesn't get worse.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Hey guys,

I am not sure who was accepted into their testing program, but it sounds like you guys are already doing a good job in finding a bug with the logging software. :)

I unfortunately do not know who was selected for the tests, but I will try getting you guys help tommorow when the engeneering department is back at Dish.
I saw somewhere full list of the serial numbers, if you don't mind I could repost the info here. Then all owners could compare serial numbers and will be sure they are in the test group.
I am also having the same lock up problems when you try to create or modify a Timer my box is in single mode. I call Dish network last night about the problem giving them this info and the software version along with my box number and boot strap version. They also wanted my card number all from the system info screen. He told me that he would pass the info on to the advanced tech support department so we will see.
Wow, what a little adventure we're having here!
Since my last post, the box started locking up again (that one last night did it at the END of the show!).

I tried recording today in single and dual mode, but it's the same both ways. I thought possibly they'd send a new software version out last night, but no dice. I don't understand why they can't just dial in and pick up the info from the receivers. Is it really necessary to fool with the software? Unless they're trying out a brand new beta version, in which case they're on the right track, but have a ways to go.

Thanks to a valuable member of this community, I got the name and number of the engineering department's manager for E*. (I don't know if I should say who gave it to me ... he can reveal himself if he wants to!) He also said not to even try with the 'advanced support' crew. They don't know what's going on either.
I tried calling him today just for the hell of it, but got his voice mail. I left a message (but forgot to leave my number!). I'll try again tomorrow from work.

For reference, I'll post the info from my box and see if anyone else has the same or similar stats.
Receiver CD ID: R0060978993-06
Software version: BMB1GAGD-N
Boot strap: 1414GAGD
...and the info from the counters screen:
1) Watchdogs: 4876
2) Boot recoveries: 0
3) AC Power losses: 0
4) Queue filled: 255
5) Queue ID: 65535
6) DST: 0x03
7) Hard drive info: 0x6000
8) Authorized services: 508
9) Sucessful (sic) downloads: 37
10) Previous software: L207
11) Lost locks: 16:16
12) Modulator resets: 0
13) Last connect: 11-08-04
An atta boy to Dish for trying to do this, but a HUGE "Aw $#!t" for not bothering to tell anyone - even themselves.

How difficult is it to add a note to an account record? :(
Why did they do this on a Friday? :(
Why didn't they test the debugging software? :(

Another example of the incompetence that is rampant at E*. Sad.
I was using mine in dual mode. Except for the random lockups whether watching live or recordings, the lockups are occuring when you tell the DVR to record something, whether immediate or in a timer.
Bizzach said:
Receiver CD ID: R0060978993-06
Software version: BMB1GAGD-N
Boot strap: 1414GAGD
...and the info from the counters screen:
1) Watchdogs: 4876
2) Boot recoveries: 0
3) AC Power losses: 0
4) Queue filled: 255
5) Queue ID: 65535
6) DST: 0x03
7) Hard drive info: 0x6000
8) Authorized services: 508
9) Sucessful (sic) downloads: 37
10) Previous software: L207
11) Lost locks: 16:16
12) Modulator resets: 0
13) Last connect: 11-08-04

My watchdogs is just 1. Big difference from 4876. Here is mine. (Differences in red.)

Software version: BMB1GALD-N
Boot strap: 1414GALD

1) Watchdogs: 1
2) Boot recoveries: 0
3) AC Power losses: 0
4) Queue filled: 255
5) Queue ID: 65535
6) DST: 0x80
7) Hard drive info: 0x6000
8) Authorized services: 490
9) Sucessful (sic) downloads: 12
10) Previous software: L207
11) Lost locks: 5:5
12) Modulator resets: 0
13) Last connect: 10-18-04
Hmmm... interesting! Now, does anyone know exactly what all that means? What's a watchdog?

Oh, and Simon - that's exactly what I was trying to say in my post before you... you just said it simpler and quicker! :p
I will check with Dish tommorow, perhaps we can start a special 522 testers forum available only to 522 testers, I will check with Dish tommorow and see if its ok, as I am not even sure if you guys should be talking to each other.

If it is ok with them I can also add a bug tracking feature which can not only help you guys but Dish Network as well.

Please do not post serial numbers (yet) :)
I don't see why DN would mind if we talk to each other a community discussion may reveal some solutions to problems that DN did not think about the more minds working on a problem with as much information as possible the easier it will be to work out solutions to problems encountered and it will also help in the identification of problems as well as repeatable methodes to reproduce the problems.
Has anyone figured out how to add a timer or modify a time with the modified logging software everything I have tried has caused the 522 to lock up. I have tried to create a new timer, extend a timer, and a manual live recording. All of those has caused my 522 to lock up and required a reset to recover.
Shadow - I don't know why it's the timers that also freeze the unit up. Why is it that the hard drive is okay while buffering the TV, yet actually recording freezes it up? And more importantly, why is it that just trying to set (or in my case, delete!) timers freezes it up? I assume the timers are stored somewhere on the HD, but it's odd to me that that sector would freeze the box.

Chad - Don't fricking blame ME! lol
Actually someone posted (and then deleted?) a message, and PM'd me with the info... I simply forwarded it onto you. Tell me you didn't want that info... TELL ME!! :p

Scott - I think having a 522 testers forum is a spectaular idea, especially now that Dish is engaging us in their testing. I, too, don't see a problem with us talking to one another, but I completely respect your (and probably Dish's) reluctance for us talking. I would really like to listen to a conference call with the key members involved here (you included) so Dish can give us a little insight as to what they plan on doing to the receivers. Like someone mentioned previously, E* wasn't supposed to affect the funtionality of the box, so I think the least they can do is clue us in.
Thanks for everything you do for us, by the way... I REALLY appreciate it! :D

Can you manually add an HD channel?


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