calling jay bruce

bruce goes yard again.....reds now one game under 500.......even better, 35,000 fans at the park. could there be a revival of cincinnati reds baseball? is there a God?

And I was there to see it!!!...:D
After listening to Saturday's game on XM down on my boat at Lake Monroe, I decided I had to go to see Bruce in action and hopefully see Jr. hit #600!!!...:cool:

One out of two ain't bad!!!...;)
I am going to the game on July 5th. I hope Griffey doesn't take that long to hit #600.
bruce went deep again monday night in a losing effort.

ramy, i hope you are the lucky fan who catches junior's 600th hr ball!!
I hope it doesn't take him a month to hit it actually.
sounds like you need to look at your tickets!

bruce went hitless today....oh my gosh, he's human afterall. how many fantasy teams are going to drop him now? (i should be only lucky as i could have snatched him long ago in my league).