Cancellation of service question

johnny q

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 7, 2005
Bergen County, NJ
If I decide to cancel Dish, aside from calling them and asking to discontinue service, do they come out and actually "de-install" the system, i.e tear down the dish, coax cabling etc, or do you just return the recievers and have to worry about the remaining hardware yourself???

If you lease I believe they will ask for you to ship the receiver(s) and LNB(s) back to them. The dish and wiring stays.
I dont think they send anyone to your house.
You are correct thiggin they will send boxes and preprinted lables for your receivers if leased and you need to remove the lnb's "just 2 phillips screws" and send them all back. No tech will visit.
If I decide to cancel Dish, aside from calling them and asking to discontinue service, do they come out and actually "de-install" the system, i.e tear down the dish, coax cabling etc, or do you just return the recievers and have to worry about the remaining hardware yourself???


You should be able to request a specific deinstall if that is what you choose to do.
Thanks for the answers guys. I havent made the decision yet, but it really pains me that I am this close to cancelling service due to problems their techs cannot fix, when the Dish was first installed back in 2001, it was the greatest. Next Wed I have a tech visiting - last chance.:(

Well 1st what kind of problems are you having?? 2nd they most likely can get the issue fixed just sounds like you have not gotten hold of the right person. 3rd going to cable would be a big move backward.

Either way I would E-mail them let them know what the issues are see what they say. is the address and most time you will get someone that can address the issue. Make sure to put in your telephone # that way they can pull up your account. If you don't get a response in the day or say let me know by PM and I will give a another address to try.
Well 1st what kind of problems are you having?? 2nd they most likely can get the issue fixed just sounds like you have not gotten hold of the right person. 3rd going to cable would be a big move backward.

Either way I would E-mail them let them know what the issues are see what they say. is the address and most time you will get someone that can address the issue. Make sure to put in your telephone # that way they can pull up your account. If you don't get a response in the day or say let me know by PM and I will give a another address to try.

Do a search for my posts - username johnny q and you will get a good idea of my problems, its quite severe and a bit long winded, so thats why I wont re-post here. I emailed "CEO" and the same thing happens EACH time, someone (the same person) leaves me an answering machine message that they want to speak to me, and I call this person for days and she NEVER calls me back. I also emailed that person you told me about earlier - same thing, that same individual from the unresolved claim department leaves a message when I am not home(even though I provide my daytime number) and never returns my call.

I agree - going back to cable is a nightmare, but if you could see what my picture looks like, you would agree that an old tv with rabbit ears is better.:)

I agree - going back to cable is a nightmare, but if you could see what my picture looks like, you would agree that an old tv with rabbit ears is better.:)


You should never have a bad picture with Dish. i fyou do sounds like the cable from dish box to tv is bad!!! Or the tv itself is bad. Connect Dish box to the tv with an s video or rca set of cables.
Do a search for my posts - username johnny q and you will get a good idea of my problems, its quite severe and a bit long winded, so thats why I wont re-post here. I emailed "CEO" and the same thing happens EACH time, someone (the same person) leaves me an answering machine message that they want to speak to me, and I call this person for days and she NEVER calls me back. I also emailed that person you told me about earlier - same thing, that same individual from the unresolved claim department leaves a message when I am not home(even though I provide my daytime number) and never returns my call.

I agree - going back to cable is a nightmare, but if you could see what my picture looks like, you would agree that an old tv with rabbit ears is better.:)


HMM well I know for fact any issues I have ever had has "ALWAYS" gotten taken care of when I have E-mailed them. So what I will do JOHNNYQ I will PM you another E-mail address to try due to the last person I sent you has been out of the office. So just make sure you check your e-mail and explain your situation to them.
Yeah well try that other address that I sent you Johnny q. Also if your getting a bad picture like dodge said thats could be many other things on your end. Like Cable, a setting on your TV or how the install was done or a jack in the wall many things. Has the picture always been this way or did it just start?? What model and brand of TV you have??
Depends on when the system was installed. If its within the first 180 days the retailer gets charged back (If ordered through a retailer), and trust me they will come out to your home to remove the equipment including DISH, LNB and switches.

As far as the wiring, its up to the person removing the system, I usually don't remove it unless the customer does something to piss me off.

My feeling is that in the first 180 days I paid to install the wiring, I got charged back on the wiring, its not being used by anyone.

Its just like a lady I had who we had to pole mount her Dish 150 feet away from the house. She cancels and switches to Directv and then takes the Dish, receivers and remote control and puts it outside her front door, and calls me and says she put it outside and if i want it I better come and pick it up before someone steals it.

I get out there, all my equipment it sitting on her front porch and in the back yard Directv conviently used my pole and wiring :(

Took my equipment, set it in the truck and then went and got my sawsall and also removed the pole and pulled up all the burried cable I had installed a few weeks earlier for FREE. I set the Directv Dish on the ground right where I cut out the pole and left.

I get a call from her daughter 3 weeks later saying I had no right to remove the pole and wiring. I told her to call Directv back out and have them finish the installation they never completed because they used my pole and wiring.

She said she already called them and they wanted to charge her $150 :)

I told her thats about what they should charge you, after I had to give you the pole and burry the wiring for FREE just to get you to take the service. You don't want my service, tell me to come "pick up my sh*t" so I came and took all my sh*t back including the pole and the wiring.

Took her about a month for Directv to come out there and to re-install her system the right way, because her daughter called me up one day trying to get me to compansate her on the bill for the month they where without service.
Do you think the DirecTV installer would be kind enough to remove the Dish network dish for me and put the DirecTV dish in the same spot? ;)
I just called Dish and they told me I owned all the equipment and would not have to return anything. They also said that I would not be able to get DNS from DirecTV yet DirecTV tells me that I can........are they lying?
Yeah well just depends on what you want for your money if you want HD Dish is the way to go. Direct would be a step back wards and thats not lie.
Yeah well try that other address that I sent you Johnny q. Also if your getting a bad picture like dodge said thats could be many other things on your end. Like Cable, a setting on your TV or how the install was done or a jack in the wall many things. Has the picture always been this way or did it just start?? What model and brand of TV you have??

Thanks Poke - I will give that a shot. The system was installed in 2001 and it looked awesome until about a year ago when the picture began to degrade to unacceptable levels. I dont have fancy equipment, a 34" Panasonic Tao SD, the TV was calibrated with the Avia disc and its connected via the s-video and other devices through that input look fine. Its not the Tv and its not my cables from the receiver to the TV. The only thing the last tech didnt change was the coax cables, even after admitting that the ends were shot and the connectors rusted out, he said as long as I get a signal, the cables were ok:confused: - this time I am demanding they re-run them.

My other issue is my issue, some trees that give me lower than optimum signal strength on sat 119, but not low enough to give me PQ that looks like a slow motion Real Video clip on the internet, its that bad.

Ok - now I am certain I am on a reality show called, "lets see how far we can push John Q Customer before he cancels service."

After fighting my way through the inept CSR's, I convinced them that "100% pure digital picture" should not look like a blurry 5th gen VHS vid, I managed to get a tech scheduled for 8-12pm this past Saturday. 12PM sharp I receive a call from a man barely able to string together a sentence telling me he cant make it on time, and couldnt confirm if he could make it at all. Later the "dispatch head" called and told me he (tech) would be there later in the afternoon, and no matter how many times I insisted that my afternoon was not free, he argued with me heatedly that he would send him anyway...which he did not. So........I re-scheduled the call for Tues.........lets see what kind of crap they pull this time.

Poke - thanks again buddy, I have emails into both of those individuals you suggested, no contact from them yet though. I can tell you exactly what will happen, one week from now I will get a call from "Jenny" from the "unresolved claims dept" who will leave the message while I am at work and will never return my calls. Yep........this must be a Candid Camera epsiode.

Thanks for the answers guys. I havent made the decision yet, but it really pains me that I am this close to cancelling service due to problems their techs cannot fix, when the Dish was first installed back in 2001, it was the greatest. Next Wed I have a tech visiting - last chance.:(


Also I cancelled this past March they said over the phone they wanted LNB back I said I cant get of roof and that is where they are,they said fine no need to mess with the lnb then.

I came back to dish two weeks ago just for HD content .

I am severely disabled, it is impossible for me to get on my roof except by helicopter. Will I need to pay for someone to get the LNB down, while others who aren't disabled can get it down for free?

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