CBS-HD Is Gone!

I got the reply from CEO:
Dear Larry,

Thank you for your E-mail.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the loss of CBS HD has caused you. We are looking to add the local packages in HD to our line up but unfortunately do not have a date as to when we will start to carry the Austin channels.

Again, I apologize for the loss of the CBS HD and thank you for your practice during this time.

Thank you,
Jennifer Schuyler
Executive Communications

As you said, I wasn't gonna be happy :(

I hope they get Austin HD locals up sometime soon......

Well, it's Dec 1, and I still have the NY CBS HD feed...

But I damn well should, in my city, we basically don't have a CBS station, it is WILM-LP, note the "LP" part. It's a Low Power repeater facility, and as such, there is absolutely NO way to get CBS OTA.

No complaints! :)
Lost my CBS-HD but not the programs I had already recorded. Don't think they have that technology yet. As I said in an earlier post, "a few more years and DISH will be at the level VOOM had achieved back in 2004." But this IS a step backwards. You can get CBS-HD, ABC-HD and NBC-HD on DirectTV. Wake up Charlie and smell the discontent of our winter.
Time to consider Star Choice

It may be time for some of you to look into adding an entry-level subscription to Star Choice. It's perfectly legal - all you need is to provide them with a Canadian address or use a broker. Billing is through credit card, so no messy forwarding of mail.

The jewels in their package are all the East Coast and West Coast networks in SD, via the local affiliates from Seattle, Spokane, Detroit or Buffalo. HDs are also included for all 5 networks from Detroit (yes, includes PBS) and 3 networks from Seattle. The Seattle, Detroit and Buffalo CBS and FOX stations come in handy for Sunday NFL games. Depending on where you live, 4 or 5 extra games can be viewed.

Unlike the US providers, Canadian satellite offers theme packages, so you can more easily tailor your subscription to your viewing habits. There are no contract commitments, no phone lines to worry about and no extra charges for their HD DVR service.
It may be time for some of you to look into adding an entry-level subscription to Star Choice. It's perfectly legal - all you need is to provide them with a Canadian address or use a broker. Billing is through credit card, so no messy forwarding of mail.

The jewels in their package are all the East Coast and West Coast networks in SD, via the local affiliates from Seattle, Spokane, Detroit or Buffalo. HDs are also included for all 5 networks from Detroit (yes, includes PBS) and 3 networks from Seattle. The Seattle, Detroit and Buffalo CBS and FOX stations come in handy for Sunday NFL games. Depending on where you live, 4 or 5 extra games can be viewed.

Unlike the US providers, Canadian satellite offers theme packages, so you can more easily tailor your subscription to your viewing habits. There are no contract commitments, no phone lines to worry about and no extra charges for their HD DVR service.

This sound like an interesting idea, but how is the coverage of the satellite? I ask because I live in the south of Texas, near the Mexican border, can it reach this far?
I within the last week upgraded my 942 DVR to a 622. I had the 942 unhooked for the last week and was getting ready to pack it up to send it back last night when I decided to plug it in to try and watch a few last recorded shows on it. To my surprise, I still had CBS-HD on that one and I could watch all my channels still. I guess whatever they did to get rid of it over the last few days obviously didn't effect mine since it was unplugged. I might have to wait until after the weekend to pack this thing up and send it back if there are any NFL games on I won't be getting here. :D
It may be time for some of you to look into adding an entry-level subscription to Star Choice. It's perfectly legal - all you need is to provide them with a Canadian address or use a broker...

If you need to go through a 3rd party to mask your true identity and service location, I don't think "it's perfectly legal."
yep, gone for me too. Remember all the trouble I went through Scott to get it? A whole month of negotiating with dish and letters from locals station, etc, etc! Now, will there be a "bright" side for this situation, like if they don't offer these 2 channels anymore will that make room for other HD nationals or to have Hdnet at full resolution again???

Yep. Lost mine, too. I live in an O&O market. Had the letter from Viacom and everything saying I could have it. Had set up a timer to record Survivor and it was recording the next channel down instead. Really s*****.

This sound like an interesting idea, but how is the coverage of the satellite? I ask because I live in the south of Texas, near the Mexican border, can it reach this far?

Unlike ExpressVu, Star Choice has fantastic coverage over mainland USA. You'll need a 75-cm dual satellite dish, and should get strong signals without fades.
If you need to go through a 3rd party to mask your true identity and service location, I don't think "it's perfectly legal."

All I can tell you is that a year or two ago, Star Choice actually embarked on an ad campaign to sign up US subscribers. They are about half as big as ExpressVu, and aren't about to turn their back at money coming into their coffers from south of the border.
On the other hand, if ExpressVu has a hint you're not in Canada, you're disconnected!
Check the other forums. There are thousands of happy Star Choice subscribers living in "South BC".
yep, gone for me too. Remember all the trouble I went through Scott to get it? A whole month of negotiating with dish and letters from locals station, etc, etc! Now, will there be a "bright" side for this situation, like if they don't offer these 2 channels anymore will that make room for other HD nationals or to have Hdnet at full resolution again???

Bites don't it:( We could only wish. We'll probably see full res when we get the RSN's.

Note: I'm being sarcastic :p

Do you live in NY? :D

That would be kinda funny... but no... I'm in a market that only has a LP (low power) repeater station, OTA is not an option. So maybe we survived?

How does Dish "stop" distant networks anyway? Do they just block your receiver?

Obviously, the satellite is still sending out the NY CBS-HD feed, I'm still getting it right now...

Could it be my ancient 6000 receiver?

It's not like I'm getting something I shouldn't, at least in my mind, since I've got no other options, unless I would be forced to get DirecTV or local cable...

Thing is, I'd be happy to go with local CBS, if WRAL, the first station in the country to go digital and HD, would pony up a few bucks and upgrade their WILM-LP affiliate...
Nope, don't get CBSHD anymore...went through the waiver and all that nonsense and now it's gone.

I'd PAY for a national feed of all the networks in HD but I don't see that happening anytime in my lifetime...

Wash, DC local HD ABC(7) problems

programming question

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