CBS' Jericho: A Familiar Story

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
Just finished watching the first episode. I think it is going to be a good one but I do not know if CBS is going to give it an opportunity. We'll see what the ratings say.
I'm still PO'd that ABC pulled Invasion off the air after last season...I loved that show, but my wife couldn't stand it. I watched Jerico during the week and didn't like it (it wasn't bad), but my wife caught the show this weekend and she liked it.

Anyway, perhaps I'm dismissing this show because I'm comparing it against Invasion. Should I give it another viewing or two?

Just finished watching the first episode. I think it is going to be a good one but I do not know if CBS is going to give it an opportunity. We'll see what the ratings say.
Just took a look and the ratings and Jerico did "not bad" as CBS easily won the Wednesday night ratings. I think CBS will keep it around for a while based on the current ratings. Ok, who in the heck is watching Dancing with the Stars?

The "Dancing with the Stars" results show, 10.2/17, put ABC on top at 8 p.m. The debut of "Jericho" drew a 7.5/12 for CBS. "Bones," 4.7/8, put FOX in third, ahead of the season premiere of "The Biggest Loser" on NBC. The season premiere of "America's Next Top Model" on The CW posted a 3.1/5.
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Jerico reminded me of Jerimiah as well. I don't know where CBS is taking this show, but I think it will only have a half a season maybe one full season and die unless the ratings do something better.

See ya
I usually don't get addicted to a show before the 5th or 6th epsiode. But Jericho has me hooked big time, I really love this show. It kept me in supense big time tonight.
tonight's show is just as good as the first two. CBS has a good one here, if they can keep the story line going, then this could be a big series.
I agree. It was a good episode. Although I am not convinced by the "its stopped raining, we can go outside." Even though the guy used a device to measure radiation. That was a more than a bit of a stretch.

Still, the show is fun.

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