Change my locals


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 16, 2012
United States
Just upgraded to the new hopper system and during installation my tech suddenly let out a nice "oh damnyour kidding me". It seems my local channels are not in HD and are from an area farther away me than another local market that is in full Hd. Anyone ever had any luck changing their local market?

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what market are we talking about?

legally you can't just change your market...thank Nielsen and the FCC for that
But do a search on "moving" and you'll see it can be done
I am currently in the clarksburg wv market(1 hour away). I would like to have the Charleston wv market (50min away). My install tech seemed really surprised I was I clarksburg but I also hAve one of those odd zipcodes that spam 2 counties.

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Dish easily changed over my locals but none of them are showing up in hd. IM hoping its something that fixes itself overnight.

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You most likely have a western arc dish for Clarksburg (110/119/129). You can verify this in the switch installation screen under point dish. You need the 61.5 sat for Charleston HD locals. You'll need to be swapped to the eastern arc dish or add a wing dish at 61.5.
You most likely have a western arc dish for Clarksburg (110/119/129). You can verify this in the switch installation screen under point dish. You need the 61.5 sat for Charleston HD locals. You'll need to be swapped to the eastern arc dish or add a wing dish at 61.5.

is that something I can do on my own or would they have to install something?

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Is there a wholesaler to buy the parts from? From what I have read adding the wingdish to get the 61.5 doesn't sound awful. IM used to aiming my 3g grid antenna.

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Solid Signal comes to mind, you might be able to buy it from an installer near you.
Yeah I definitely have the wa from clarksburg. Is it a matter of changing the dish or just the feed assembly to get the ea setup. Thanks for the help. Hard to believe the hoops just to get my locals in hd. But this PrimeTime anytime feature is just sitting here doing nothing for me.

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