Chicago WGN The CW- Now available in MPEG-4 HD

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 15, 2004
WGN in Chicago; A Tribune company and a CW Affiliate.

Is now available in MPEG-4 HD on DirecTV

You may have to "edit" your favorites lists to see the channel, as it is not automatically added to your favorite lists.
Does D* have a MPEG4 test channel ?
I've had the MPEG4 eqwuipment for several months now and due to geting some bad info, I have not been able to see anything in MPEG4, therefore I have no idea if the installer has the lnb's fine tuned for MPEG4.

Wouldn't you think they should have a channel at least one like in the 490's that at least says "If you see this, it works "

Sorry about changing the topic for a moment.
Now, Back to your regularly scheduled topic ....

I'm glad to see WGN available.
I would like for some day when D* has all these locals up and running, to allow us to have other city locals, staying in our spot beam, if nessasary, for an addl. $5 p/m of course.

Jimbos... as far as I know, no.. they don't have an MPEG-4 test channel.
As right now, I don't think they have the ability on the current Ka Sats to send a CONUS signal.
Jimbos... as far as I know, no.. they don't have an MPEG-4 test channel.
As right now, I don't think they have the ability on the current Ka Sats to send a CONUS signal.
Correct, Earl. AS the Spaceways satellites are set up only for spot beams, there's no way to set up a test channel for the 99 and 103 positions. That's why sometimes you get a failure message that says that only four satellites were found but you aren't missing any channels.
Is there any chance that WGN will eventually go national since WGN broadcasts as a superstation? I live in Columbus, Ohio but I am a huge Cubs fan. I would love to be able to watch my beloved Cubbies in HD. Thanks, lbostons
Is there any chance that WGN will eventually go national since WGN broadcasts as a superstation? I live in Columbus, Ohio but I am a huge Cubs fan. I would love to be able to watch my beloved Cubbies in HD. Thanks, lbostons

As far as I know... I have never seen an article or announcement of an HD version of the Superstation.

Other then the Cubs/Sox/Bulls games that they carry... the rest of their HD content is under the CW affiliate, which is not part of the superstation.
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