Cinema 10: 5/11 New Movies...

Do you find the transfers on Cinema 10 are looking too dark? Hope this wasn't covered, I searched to no avail. Not sure if it is partially my equipment. The video on Wrldsprt, Hdnews, etc. looks good as does HBO but I am finding The Cinema 10 films do not have detail in dark scenes or shadows. Letting us pick the movies wouldn't hurt either... ;)
I have a 30" Daewoo direct-view set, a DSC-30W60N. Picture quality is very good on most channels. HD video always looks great but some movies lack detail in dark scenes. Noticed some discussion about Cinema 10 using 720p and thought it may be related to way set upconverts 720p signal to 1080i. BTW, great job on the Voom FAQ's! :confused:

Cinemax-HD West: Planes, Trains & Automobiles Tonight at 7:30PM EST

Cinema 10: New Movies on 5/2....

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