Cinema (104): The Towering Inferno, Premieres on 6/2

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City

The world's tallest building is nearly complete and a dedication ceremony is held to commemorate it. But the reception turns into a disaster, though it's not because of bad tuna. An electrical fault caused by bad wiring (caused by contractor's cutting corners) creates a fire that threatens to consume all 100+ floors of the building. It becomes a race against time to rescue the trapped guests before it's too late.
FINALLY! This will be the first time I've watched Cinema 9-10 in 3 weeks. Good job Voom. I love Fred Astaire movies.
Great Movie

This one's a good one. I watched it on cinemax like 6 months ago (pre voom and pre hd). This one I will check out.

cinema 10 channel themes?

So lets talk about all the crappy and great programing of Voom..

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