I am considering a return to D* now that we are moved into our new digs. I am curious if the new receivers are IR or RF based remote controls? Any help would be appreciated.
I am considering a return to D* now that we are moved into our new digs. I am curious if the new receivers are IR or RF based remote controls? Any help would be appreciated.
HR and R20 DVRs are both RF and IR. Incidentally there seems to be a glut of IR only D* remotes on ebay.
Don't just consider......do itI am considering a return to D* now that we are moved into our new digs. I am curious if the new receivers are IR or RF based remote controls? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks guys! I knew I could get an answer straight up from you all. Reason I ask is because one of the locations for my reciever will actually be in a media cabinet next the Fire Place and it has solid doors on it instead of being open.
Again thanks, and oh by the way, I am making the move since Comcast just raised my monlthy from $69 / month to $135 / month and I dont even have premium channels. Add my Broadband to that and I am almost to $200 for Cable and Internet.
HR and R20 DVRs are both RF and IR.
Never heard of an R20 - did you REALLY mean R22???
Also, the H2x HD (non-DVR) receivers also do RF, as well as the R15/16 SD DVR's.
However, ONLY the HR2x DVR's come with the RF remote; all the others come with an IR only remote. Unfortunately, as peano mentioned, you can only use EITHER IR or RF on these receivers, which means the IR only remotes that come with the other units are useless if you buy other RF remotes; luckily, they're not too expensive.
And the RC64RB, which is the backlit RF remote - never heard of ANY RC65...