This download should correct the issues with banner not matching programming with SWM systems.
Date Product SW Version
Thu, Sep 24 D12-500 x1194
This will conclude the rollout of this software to the D12-500
yes that is how you would force it. that software like my post said will not be ready untill the 24th, that was sent to us from directv to give us a heads up that they finally got the software fixed.Thanks thetech2009,
Your fixit post are very helpful to me!
I have one and the issue is annoying. Just wondering cause I am new at D*. I have to wait till Sept 24th to get the update? or can it be force now??
I would force with the 02468 on remote at boot up?
red button reset will not work for this problem,well it will for a bit. unplug it completly from the power for 15-20secs this should last longer. and tomorrow is the 23rd so that will not do any good, the download will probably happen itself thursday morning around 2 or 3. if not then i would try the forceThanks again thetech2009,
So far leaving the power on, The issue seems to be ok. Well almost. Just plain tired of rebooting!
I will force the update after work tomorrow evening.
CORRECTSorry I was doing the power off on front panel. Unplug for a few minutes and plugging back in again. That is reseting not rebooting??? Correct?
So Thursday afternoon it is then.
If not, please let me know I am curious myself if this will fix it.Just finished the update. Downloaded with no issues.
Lets hope it fixes the problem.