Directv Credit $100.01

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New Member
Original poster
Dec 14, 2006
I heard a rumor through a tech that if an HSP installation does not come to your house in the time that they specify or that they not call you to tell you what time they are coming, you can recieve a $100.01 credit on your account...

anyone confirm
I heard a rumor through a tech that if an HSP installation does not come to your house in the time that they specify or that they not call you to tell you what time they are coming, you can recieve a $100.01 credit on your account...

anyone confirm

it's true.
its called the on time grantee if your appointment is set for am 8-12 and the installer is not at your house by 12:00 you call directv and get a $100 credit on your account no questions asked. The only thing this is going to achieve is less apointments accepted by the HSP's meaning longer lead times to get an appointment if south florida our best techs that use to do 5-10 jobs a day will now do no more that 4 at the most because our company will not take the chance of getting hit with a $100 on time charge back. Just my two cents
Nice, but, curious, why the one cent?

HSP pay the $100, D* pays .01 cent. It's really screwed because D* is doing double talk yet again. Once my wife finishes her masters program I'm returning back to school to switch careers.
its called the on time grantee if your appointment is set for am 8-12 and the installer is not at your house by 12:00 you call directv and get a $100 credit on your account no questions asked. The only thing this is going to achieve is less apointments accepted by the HSP's meaning longer lead times to get an appointment if south florida our best techs that use to do 5-10 jobs a day will now do no more that 4 at the most because our company will not take the chance of getting hit with a $100 on time charge back. Just my two cents

Which is D* double talk because now their going to punish the HSP for not getting more work done faster. The next thing they will start the forcing jobs in for people who can't wait, and lying on work orders
And if your dorm roommate dies during the semester, you get a 4.0 for that semester. Any other urban myths we want to drag in?;)
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New Year's Choice: Which would you choose; HR20 or HR10-250


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