DirecTV Problems in Cold Weather

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Dec 27, 2004
I live in NJ and it's been pretty cold lately (15- 25 degrees). A few times last week, I lost the satellite for an entire night. Once I lost it well into the next morning. Tonight, the temp has dropped into the low 20's and the picture has started to pixulate (is that the right word?). The picture is breaking up into small boxes.

I called D-TV and they told me to see if there is any snow or ice in the dish. I did and it is clear. They also thought there maybe some water/ice in the LNBs. Is this possible? I would think an outdoor device would be made water tight. Since I can not get to the dish (roof is too steep), I may have to call for service.

Any other thoughts?

Well, I'm in NJ too and haven't noticed anything bad. Same great picture. ALthough the ice/water in the LNB/connections is most likely the culprit. Or perhaps the dish moved a bit with the rainy windy weather? It sucks that they would have to send someone out for it.
When the integrated 18x20 triple LNB dishes first came out they were all defective. The defect only showed up when the temperature dropped to below 20 degrees F and when you had more than three or more receivers connected to the dish.

It took several months to determine what was wrong. So if you have an 18x20 dish it might need a new (revA) triple LNB upgrade.

jskip said:
I live in NJ and it's been pretty cold lately (15- 25 degrees). A few times last week, I lost the satellite for an entire night. Once I lost it well into the next morning. Tonight, the temp has dropped into the low 20's and the picture has started to pixulate (is that the right word?). The picture is breaking up into small boxes.

I called D-TV and they told me to see if there is any snow or ice in the dish. I did and it is clear. They also thought there maybe some water/ice in the LNBs. Is this possible? I would think an outdoor device would be made water tight. Since I can not get to the dish (roof is too steep), I may have to call for service.

Any other thoughts?


South Jersey here, just outside phila.
no problems here at all
Southern Indiana here. It's been in the upper single digits to low teens the past few evenings and mine has worked flawlessly.
Thanks for the responses. I remembered I purchased a 5 year extended warranty for the dish and three receivers (I don't normally do that).

Anyway if there is a problem, and there must be, it will be free.

It's a bit warmer tonight and so far so good.
If it was the first revision like Robert said then Directv should replace the LNB stack for free.
Colder than Cold

I live in Northern Minnesota. We routinely have temps at -20 to -30 degrees. We will have 4-5 day stretches where temps will not get above 0.

I have never had a problem. I honestly do not think your issue is temperature related. The only thing I do in the fall is spray my dish with some low temp silicon to prevent water or snow buildup on the dish. Some say to use non-stick cooking spray but it will freeze into a nice icey film where I am at, so i have a silicon spray that is good to -40.

If inded you have water in your LNB, you could spray them with Seafoam. Its a gasoline additive that will get rid of moisture. But if its in the cables then you might need to replace the cables or if its a defective dish... well then... get a new dish.

Warren in MN
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