DIRECTV Pulls Jessica Simpson HD Ads

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the commercial is still airing, I saw it last night. Even in HD she still looks and sounds like a complete backwoods moron.
But, don't you think that people that are getting new HDTV's are gonna look into thier local cable company as well ?
If I was in that situation I would look at all my options first, I know that not all people do this type of thing, but that is not the providers fault, it's the person about to sub.

btw, Walmart continues to advertise about how they have the same Sony TV's that everyone else does, much cheaper.

MOST high quality Sony HD TV's are not found at Walmart, yes they carry Sony and they may be less expensive, but they are NOT the same TV. I have yet to even see Sony TV at Walmart that the local HD A/V store carries.

So the local A/V shop should sue Walmart, it's false advertisement .

Personally, I think any judge should throw the TW/ D* lawsuit out, because of how lame it is.
Thats a pretty broad picture that the TW's of the world feel they can say,,opps you said something we don't like, I think we will sue you.


I think Walmart fooled you with their ad. It says that they carry the same brands as the high end stores, it does not say they have the same models.
the commercial is still airing, I saw it last night. Even in HD she still looks and sounds like a complete backwoods moron.

She sounds likea lot of things but i personally have never had a problem with how she looks. even in SD she ain't half bad and I would imagine that in person or in HD she is even lovelier.
I don't know about anyone else, but I just have a problem when someone can't see the faults in a company that they like. For the most part I like D* but they have their share of idiots and upper management has sure pulled some real boners. That is the same for a lot of companies....can you say Edsel? Of course most of you are too young to know what an Edsel is!!!!!:D Maybe Corvair? Nope, same problem. Maybe Betamax. In any case companies do stupid things all the time and we should call them on it. I pay for it, and within reason, they are here to make me happy, while making a profit. If they don't make a majority of us happy, they don't make a profit. Blindly following them doesn't say much for logical thinking does it?

As for staying with a company you don't like....sometimes you don't have a lot of choice as the alternatives are even worse. That doesn't mean that what you have couldn't improve.

One example: If D* had just taken the time/expense to give us one national HD channel every 3-4 months do you think we would all be complaining as much? If it had been every 3 months we would have had close to a dozen new ones by now. Yet we got CDUSA!!! :eek:

I don't think you're talking about me because:
1) I have clearly and repeatedly said that NO SINGLE PROVIDER has all the answers, if one did we ALL would switch to it. I certainly am aware of the current limitiations. I am not blindly following them, I have looked into ALL of my alternatives and DirecTV is my PREFERENCE. Thus I support them.

2)Yes, it is very true that ALL providers have CAN improve.

3)YES without a doubt, NO MATTER which direction DIRECTV had gone there would be complaints and whining. YOU don't speak for everyone either. Geez if they lit FOOD-HD, then the complaints would begin about HGTV-HD and so on.

4) Has NOTHING to do with either time or expense obviously. DirecTV has invested HUNDREDS of MILLIONS to launch what will be 6 sats in less than 2 years. They have PUBLICLY acknowledged over and over about being behind the curve, but that their business plan will put them in the lead (in their opinion) before end of 07.

5) You have missed my entire point. What I am stating is that certain people have no problems throwing darts at those of us actually HAPPY with the overall service and rollout by D* (we are 'fanboys'?) - while they think they are so 'right' be being anti-fanboys (ALWAYS HAVING NEGATIVE, never acknowledging ANYTHING positive).

6) The individual whom I suggested make a change has been saying the reason is his 'investment', but he has been saying it for well over a year, so his cancellation CAN'T be that much - and certainly not enough to stay with his COMPLETE disatisfaction.

Funny how you think that if they added 1 new HD channel every 3-4 months you would have a dozen new ones. Your math doesn't add up as that is only 3 a year, for the past 4 YEARS. Thats right a dozen at 3-4 a year takes 3-4 years. How many HAVE THEY added in the PAST 4 years BTW. SO using YOUR formula (which NO sense) how many are you missing. A couple, maybe 4 tops?
I think Walmart fooled you with their ad. It says that they carry the same brands as the high end stores, it does not say they have the same models.

Thank you, you made my point for me.

However, I will listen a little closer next time.
Fooling the customer, thats exactly what they are hoping to do, and the same thing D* did.

I still don't have any problem with the Simpson ad, as for what they said in it.
ust gives cable companies something to whine about, because they didn't think of it first.

I don't see DISH filing a lawsuit.

Thank you, you made my point for me.

However, I will listen a little closer next time.
Fooling the customer, thats exactly what they are hoping to do, and the same thing D* did.

I still don't have any problem with the Simpson ad, as for what they said in it.
ust gives cable companies something to whine about, because they didn't think of it first.

I don't see DISH filing a lawsuit.


Why bark when you broadcast some stuff in HD lite as well?
I don't think you're talking about me because:
1) I have clearly and repeatedly said that NO SINGLE PROVIDER has all the answers, if one did we ALL would switch to it. I certainly am aware of the current limitiations. I am not blindly following them, I have looked into ALL of my alternatives and DirecTV is my PREFERENCE. Thus I support them.

2)Yes, it is very true that ALL providers have CAN improve.

3)YES without a doubt, NO MATTER which direction DIRECTV had gone there would be complaints and whining. YOU don't speak for everyone either. Geez if they lit FOOD-HD, then the complaints would begin about HGTV-HD and so on.

4) Has NOTHING to do with either time or expense obviously. DirecTV has invested HUNDREDS of MILLIONS to launch what will be 6 sats in less than 2 years. They have PUBLICLY acknowledged over and over about being behind the curve, but that their business plan will put them in the lead (in their opinion) before end of 07.

5) You have missed my entire point. What I am stating is that certain people have no problems throwing darts at those of us actually HAPPY with the overall service and rollout by D* (we are 'fanboys'?) - while they think they are so 'right' be being anti-fanboys (ALWAYS HAVING NEGATIVE, never acknowledging ANYTHING positive).

6) The individual whom I suggested make a change has been saying the reason is his 'investment', but he has been saying it for well over a year, so his cancellation CAN'T be that much - and certainly not enough to stay with his COMPLETE disatisfaction.

Funny how you think that if they added 1 new HD channel every 3-4 months you would have a dozen new ones. Your math doesn't add up as that is only 3 a year, for the past 4 YEARS. Thats right a dozen at 3-4 a year takes 3-4 years. How many HAVE THEY added in the PAST 4 years BTW. SO using YOUR formula (which NO sense) how many are you missing. A couple, maybe 4 tops?

Well put ScoBuck :up

I don't think you're talking about me because:

1) I have clearly and repeatedly said that NO SINGLE PROVIDER has all the answers, if one did we ALL would switch to it. I certainly am aware of the current limitiations. I am not blindly following them, I have looked into ALL of my alternatives and DirecTV is my PREFERENCE. Thus I support them.

I wish more people think about this before bashing another person. For example a true football fan who wants Sunday Ticket will be a DirecTV customer and a happy one at that. A cable customer who has no HD offerings at all would love having DirecTV and Dish Network even if its HD-Lite. A customer might love HD On Demand with Comcast and sticks with Comcast even if Verizon FIOS TV service is cheaper and/or better. Many of us fail to understand that we as customers decide who is better for what "we" want when chances are they might not be the best at HD or their DVR or whatever.

2)Yes, it is very true that ALL providers have CAN improve.

Couldn't have said it better

3)YES without a doubt, NO MATTER which direction DIRECTV had gone there would be complaints and whining. YOU don't speak for everyone either. Geez if they lit FOOD-HD, then the complaints would begin about HGTV-HD and so on.

This is the 60 million dollar issue isn't it. I don't believe that one single customer is fully 100% happy with their service. They either want another channel, better boxes, better DVR software, better program guide, better uptime and last but not least a better price. I think this is more a universal human issue. Now I do consider a big difference between a company misleading another customer compared to just an unhappy customer that wants more.

4) Has NOTHING to do with either time or expense obviously. DirecTV has invested HUNDREDS of MILLIONS to launch what will be 6 sats in less than 2 years. They have PUBLICLY acknowledged over and over about being behind the curve, but that their business plan will put them in the lead (in their opinion) before end of 07.

I believe that has been known by nearly everyone viewing this thread but this also has nothing todo with their misleading ads either. This has todo with HD-Lite and lack of HD national channels which isn't part of the issues within this specific thread.

5) You have missed my entire point. What I am stating is that certain people have no problems throwing darts at those of us actually HAPPY with the overall service and rollout by D* (we are 'fanboys'?) - while they think they are so 'right' be being anti-fanboys (ALWAYS HAVING NEGATIVE, never acknowledging ANYTHING positive).

I'm in 100% agreement with the above but sadly this will never change no matter how wrong it might be. Lucky for me I've yet to be called a fanboy nor an anti-(name of company) yet but I also believe its very hard for anyone to accuse me of that because I tend to be quite open minded and avoid bashing others for their choices. Also remember I can bash a policy that I believe isn't right (ie Simpson ads) while not bashing the company itself for their offerings. People tend to make these two seperate issues as part of one single big issue when it fact its not. I'm in no way saying your doing this as I believe your not even hinting at it. I'm just saying this to try and get people to think in an open mind.

6) The individual whom I suggested make a change has been saying the reason is his 'investment', but he has been saying it for well over a year, so his cancellation CAN'T be that much - and certainly not enough to stay with his COMPLETE disatisfaction.

This I don't agree with you at all. An investment isn't just paying off a contract. An investment could also be your upfront hardware costs and just six months ago an HD Tivo wasn't cheap. Yes you can always say he shouldn't have paid so much if he wasn't sure he would be happy six months later but that isn't always life. So this customer could very well be out of his two year contract but if he invested say 900 bucks in two HD Tivo's he has only had for a tad bit over one year that makes switching quite hard. Just remember that if he cancels service those HD Tivo boxes won't work with his cable company and if he wants a DVR he must not start renting it at most likely around 15 bucks a month. It hurts having 900 dollar doorstops and still paying 30 bucks a month for boxes that do the samething. If it was me I would just choke up the loss and move on but this isn't that easy for everyone. I'm just suprised "you" saw several sides to most of your points but failed to see this very big second side which was hardware investment.

Funny how you think that if they added 1 new HD channel every 3-4 months you would have a dozen new ones. Your math doesn't add up as that is only 3 a year, for the past 4 YEARS. Thats right a dozen at 3-4 a year takes 3-4 years. How many HAVE THEY added in the PAST 4 years BTW. SO using YOUR formula (which NO sense) how many are you missing. A couple, maybe 4 tops?

Yes the math isn't correct but when viewed with an open mind you can clearly understand the idea the poster is making with this post. His view is that if companies could just do a few small HD additions over a consistent period of time most customers would be happier. As it is now companies only add new HD channels in a group of 4 every year at the least while many more HD channels are still available or being launched.
I think Directv should personally go and tell the New Hampshire state attorney general to go f**k themselves for even bringing up that crap about letting customers cancel their service.

I think the real issue here is when Jessica Simpson said "Directv broadcasts in 1080i" when we all know darn well Directv is the leader in 720P
I don't think you're talking about me because:

Correct, I am not talking about you.

Glad we agree on at least some points, but the point I made about the 1 particular individual that is the ULTIMATE anti-fanboy (and not about others) is that he has been 100% negative for well over a year about DirecTV. No matter WHAT they do - he finds his glass empty (not even half empty), he throws the 'fanboy' darts at people (without realizing he does exactly the same as them - just OPPOSITE). He is the one that should be going to another provider, he cannot have that much invested in DirecTV at this point in time.

He has absolutely NO credibility, but he likes to call people names (that;'s what people tend to do when they have no REAL argument).

As far as the advertising, who really believes ANYTHING claimed by ANYBODY. You always have to look behind the claims made by everybody. Geez, don't be so naive.
Thanks Scobuck for telling like it is. Nobody with as open mind as Longhorn has, could seriously defend this particular individual that you are discussing. His posts over the last year or so could only be considered as falling into our anti fanboy grouping, but for some reason they do, Scott does it, most of the mods do. Could be because he has about a million posts on every subject known to mankind which he also believes he is an expert in. I use to take the posts seriously but now I see them for what they are. Everyone's opinion is fine, except when it turns into the same exact bashing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Thanks Scobuck for telling like it is. Nobody with as open mind as Longhorn has, could seriously defend this particular individual that you are discussing. His posts over the last year or so could only be considered as falling into our anti fanboy grouping, but for some reason they do, Scott does it, most of the mods do. Could be because he has about a million posts on every subject known to mankind which he also believes he is an expert in. I use to take the posts seriously but now I see them for what they are. Everyone's opinion is fine, except when it turns into the same exact bashing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Well each person is entitled to their opinion about what they have seen. In my case D*'s picture is much better than the cable company(Armstrong) where I live.
I still see this commercial.. my stomach turns everytime she mentions 1080i.. my guess is they'll get around the issue because she says "whatever that means".. does that mean 1240x1080 is still 1080i? :)
Again and for the record (one more time). I am in ABSOLUTE agreement that a commercial that mis-leads is not right.

That being said, I have been watching TV for over 50 years, and I'm still waiting for the commercial to air that does NOT mis-lead in some way, shape, or form.

I still see this commercial.. my stomach turns everytime she mentions 1080i.. my guess is they'll get around the issue because she says "whatever that means".. does that mean 1240x1080 is still 1080i? :)

*Don't forget* the MPEG4 feeds currently available, which would most likely be D*'s "out" for any lawsuits here...
They are still running it. What is wrong with a little T & A in our "puritan" society!
BTW all ads stretch the truth. The beautiful girls when you open a beer... The maids that clean your shower with scrubbing bubbles... The pimples disappear and the girl becomes a star. Put on a pair of sneakers and you can shoot like Dwyane Wade... etc.
The Dish Network-Tiki Barber commercial is misleading because it can lead to the assumption that Dish Network offers the Sunday Ticket package.
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