Directv Seller that offers deals without installation

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Nov 10, 2003
Are there any internet vendors for directv that lower the price if you dont need an installer to come out? I am looking to get a new directv pakcage with 3 receivers(1 hdtivo and 2 regular tivos). The house is a 3 story apartment building where the only way I can run the cable is go down the side of the house to the basement and then back up a wire chase. I called a few places and they charge extra because the height of the house and because of the amount of cable I would need. Since I already have a pole mounted on the roof I would much rather just do the install myself and in turn I would rather not pay for an install I dont need..

My goal is to pick up a set with 1 hd directv and 2 35 hour tivos for under $1000. I think it should be possible as I have seen 2 room packages with 2 35 hour tivos for under $100.

Are there any vendors out there that work well for DIY installs?
I didnt get Grahman but when I mention they offered me a real good deal and spent some extra time answering all my questions... I had priced the same setup at bestbuy and I know I saved about $200.

I am very happy with them so far and I sure they will ship my equipment as promised and I will be up and running by the end of the week.
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premium free-view?

DirecTV HD - I don't recomend to my worst enemy!

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