Disappointed with the receiver I got on the install.

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Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Mar 22, 2004
Just switched to Direct TV from Dish. I wanted to save some money so I skipped the HD DVR. I got a old used H21-200 receiver on the install. Can I get get them to give me a newer receiver? Is the one I got as good as the newer HD receivers. I just like newer stuff.
Are you simply disappointed with the model number? Or the performance of the unit?
Are you simply disappointed with the model number? Or the performance of the unit?

Most likely he's disappointed that it's not the latest and greatest and it's not sleek like the newer ones. I have no performance issues with my H21. I had to buy my H24 and second HR24.
Most likely he's disappointed that it's not the latest and greatest and it's not sleek like the newer ones. I have no performance issues with my H21. I had to buy my H24 and second HR24.

I'm disappointed it's not the lastest and sleekest and I'm starting a two year lease on a 2007 receiver. Doesn't look good next to my 3D TV and Harmon/Kardon receiver. What is SWM? Can I just buy the newer receiver and give D back this one. I know it's still a lease. I only have one TV hooked up.
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I'm disappointed it's not the lastest and sleekest and I'm starting a two year lease on a 2007 receiver. Doesn't look good next to my 3D TV and Harmon/Kardon receiver. What is SWM? Can I just buy the newer receiver and give D back this one. I know it's still a lease. I only have one TV hooked up.

Yes, you can, but you'll start your 2 year commitment over, but seeing your just getting started, it's not a big deal.

Look for the one Issac posted in post 4.
Absolutely. You can do whatever you want. The H24 is $99. SWM is the single wire hookup technology, you can tell if you have it if you have more than one receiver or a DVR and there is only one cable coming from the dish. A non-SWM system has up to 4 cables from the dish.

If you just don't like the way it looks, why not just get an RF remote and stick it in a cabinet or something? Yes it's from 2007, but it's not outdated or obsolete by any means except cosmetically.
There's not much point in using a swm setup in a one receiver installation. It's still one cable from the dish either way after all.
Dont fret the looks; the performance is all good regardless; however I would have gone with the HD-DVR for sure. its like $10 more per month on your base package right; with taxes? there is no additional receiver charge upfront with a new install.
Dont fret the looks; the performance is all good regardless; however I would have gone with the HD-DVR for sure. its like $10 more per month on your base package right; with taxes? there is no additional receiver charge upfront with a new install.

There is too much TV to choose from nowadays. I can stream on Netflix, rent 1080p's on Vudo and timeshift off air channels on my HTPC and watch satellite. I thought I would cut down some of my choices by skipping the DVR.
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