I was looking thru boxes of old pizza dish stuff and came across one of my old DTV triples. I have three of them and the one I picked up is different than the other two. It has removable feedhorns. This got me thinking about a thread I read a few days ago about using the SuperDish FSS LNB for FTA and the poster had Carved up a 500 twin for the feed horns and attached them to the FSS LNB. I had a couple of those 121 SuperDishes so I unbolted the FSS LNBs. I cut the mounting flanges off the weird siamese feedhorn. I screwed the flanges to a board and drilled them out with a 1" bit. Then cut them in half with a hacksaw. The only new parts I needed were 4 4mm x16mm bolts per LNB and some silicon sealer. I dissasemble the DTV triple and removed the feedhorns. Beautiful Horns. But they have a blade in them that needs to be ground off. Also the mounting flange of the new feedhorn needs to be ground down were the bolts go by. I used the old flanges and bolts as a bracket to hold on the new feedhorns. The opening on the horns exactly matches the opening in the LNB. Though there is an o ring on the LNB I still siliconed the seem. I hope to test these against some other LNBs soon.
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