Dish messing with Voom, All are now HD-Lite 1280x1080i: Discuss this issue HERE!

Wow, cool website on the r5000. I hadn't heard of this before, thanks Gary. It seems we are getting close to mpeg4 so I am wondering if it would still be worth it to upgrade my 811 right now? Do you guys think there will be an "r5000" for mpeg4 receivers?
Yeah but the problem is that there are no mpeg4 playback devices out there, in other words no mpeg4 decoders

mpeg2 decoders are rampant, OTA HD Tuners, D-VHS decks, PC cards, even my Mitsubishi TV with firewire input

this is why I am not to excited about mpeg4

I don't understand it. In the last tech chat in November, they said that MPEG4 would take a long while and it wasn't even very helpful in making room for new channels. What changed in one month?
gutter said:
I don't understand it. In the last tech chat in November, they said that MPEG4 would take a long while and it wasn't even very helpful in making room for new channels. What changed in one month?

they took a look at Directv, and realized 2 things

1)we need local HD in mpeg4
2)Directv gets by with 1280x1080i, why couldn't we ?? :mad:

I sent Dish an email and here is the recent response I received:

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email. The resolution of the Voom programming remains unchanged at this time. Please continue to view for future details in reference to this matter.

So, it seems to me their idea now of "unchanged" is that it is still 1280x1080i- so not to worry! :rolleyes:
That sounds pretty good Sonny

I recently told one of the Dish contacts that they should do 1920x1080i HDTV and advertise theirself as such over certain competitors that treat HD like sh*t

they replied back saying this was one of their plans for 2006 :D

boy these next few weeks are gonna be really fun :) or really sad :mad:

If Vegas was taking action on this I would bet the latter. They are going to bury HD quality just like D* did. I am going to wait it out, but I can almost see myself canceling everything but my international channels and getting the dual-tuner HD DVR my local cable company is offering for, yep you guessed it no upfront money. It will never be mine, but in all honesty I am one of those that could care less. If I lease a car because in a few years it is surpassed why should I purchase a receiver that is outdated in under 6mos to a year???
Reefer123 said:
If Vegas was taking action on this I would bet the latter. They are going to bury HD quality just like D* did. I am going to wait it out, but I can almost see myself canceling everything but my international channels and getting the dual-tuner HD DVR my local cable company is offering for, yep you guessed it no upfront money. It will never be mine, but in all honesty I am one of those that could care less. If I lease a car because in a few years it is surpassed why should I purchase a receiver that is outdated in under 6mos to a year???
Sadly, I do not have the option of going to cable. Not that I don't have a cable company in my area- I do. But it is.. bum bum bum buummm- ADELPHIA! Believe me, folks who complain about their satellite have no idea how good they really have it. If any of you knew just how bad Adelphia was in my area... well, let's put it this way, you'd be looking for another hobby besides HD programming. I list the day I switched to Dish from Adelphia as the 3rd best day of my life behind my wedding and beating cancer! Sad but true :p.
sonnyboy11 said:
If any of you knew just how bad Adelphia was in my area... well, let's put it this way, you'd be looking for another hobby besides HD programming. :p.

I know what you mean. I also live in an Adelphia area that only offers 3 HD channels and none of those are the major networks. None of the the 4 commercials stations in my area are able to re-transmitt network HD. The CBS stations doesn't even have a digital station on the air yet. So this whole DISH issue about HD is very important to me and the investment I made just to get HD from DISH. I know many others on this forum feel the very same.
Gary Murrell said:
2)Directv gets by with 1280x1080i, why couldn't we ??

Because directv has already established its strength -- sports offerings. Dish need to establish its own niche and build on it. What better building block could they find than true HD? HD ownership and potential vewership is growing at a rapid pace and could skyrocket!

If Dish established itself as the provider of true HD, this could help them leapfrog directv as the #1 satellite service. All it takes is vision...
I am going to be at CES, btw. What's the best way to get a message across to them I wonder? I don't know if pestering them at the booth is the right thing to do, but if Dish does announce they plan to stay with HD Lite (or they just don't say anything) then I am going to let my feelings be known. :mad:
Yes pester their people at the booth, tell them they can be a leader in HD quality if they want to(heck in my book they are a leader in quantity also)
they desperately need this advertised because everyone thinks that Dish is sending the same quality as Directv, go around and read all the Joe Sixpack forums, you will get:

"Dish is downrezzing all HDTV same as Directv"

I have seen that said hundreds of times, Dish needs to get the HD message out there and not stoop to lower quality to bring in newbie unknowing HDTV viewers

if they wish to lower HDTV to Directv standards folks will just go to Directv ;)

Dish has many many many HD customers right now that are with them for the sole reason on true 1920x1080i HDTV, more than Dish realizes I think

No offense but I don't see Dish taking your "pestering" very seriously.

They make their decisions based on one thing and thats $$$$$ and although important to us, our feelings about HD resolution and bitrate probably wouldn't carry much weight with them - especially at the CES show.

You want to get "E" to change it's policy (on anything)? You've got to get "D" to do it first.

While we don't represent much in the whole scheme of Dish's operation, we may have some influence in their decisions regarding HD - but only to the point that it's not going to hurt their bread & butter (SD) broadcasting and only to the point that it affects revenue within that niche.

Hypetheticly, say 75% of all ("D" & "E")HD viewers form a group and said "we don't purchace anything less than true HD - period - whoever provides the most of that for the best price gets our business and we'll sign a one year contract to that affect".

The first thing both "D" & "E" will try to do is break the back of the coalition but if they stick it out (something people don't do much of today) you've got "D" & "E"s attention.
jmcgee_jr said:
Actually tbh I could see if we all said we wouldnt buy it they would stop carrying it not change it to make us happy LOL

The (HD) industry has gone too far for that. Producers and broadcasters are starting to insist on HD now; manufacturers have too much invested in new equipment to turn back; HD is going to be there one way or another. The questions are who's going to do what first and who's going to control who ?

As I keep saying, it's all about $$$$$$. The affiliates have been dragging their feet because they don't want to spend it. Manufacturers have been dragging their feet (not as much) waiting for some guarantee in the form of a hard analog cut off date, which they basically now have. DBS has been dragging their feet because of bandwidth constraints and how it affects their "quantity vs quality" mindset.

There's no question in my mind that "E" & "D" have an unwritten (at least temporary) arangement to cut resoultion / bitrate. To make this work Voom had to either agree or go. We know what happened there.

The only things that are going to change what "D" & "E" are doing right now are competition from cable (not for a while I think); regulation (got this image in my head of FCC saying: "who's your daddy?"); or insistance on certain quality standards by the copywrite owners.
no changes, I have been getting bitrates of near and over 16 Mbps on Rave and Monsters HD over the past few days, those are high enough to do 1920x1080i easily, for example they are giving Discovery around 14 Mbps MA:mad:it could use a little more)


President Of Dish Spoke The Truth

What is the cheapest alternative to get Voom