I was curious if anyone has a DVBWorld USB 2102 working with TSReader. I've sent a support request but while waiting to hear back, I thought I'd ask the group.
I'm using the latest (although I've tried older) full version of TSReader. The Intel pc runs XP and has USB2.0 support. I've installed the device with the TSReader version of the driver. The issue seems to start when TSReader asks if the model is 5volt or 9volt. The unit I have is a 9volt so that's how I reply. At that point, TSReader will either hang or end. If I respond 5volt, the application will start and show active pid's but nothing in any of the other displays.
Although I've rebuilt the box to eliminate potential conflicts (same results), when I previously had the software that came with device running, it seemed to operate correctly. The DVBWorld software was able to lock, scan and display video.
I'm using the latest (although I've tried older) full version of TSReader. The Intel pc runs XP and has USB2.0 support. I've installed the device with the TSReader version of the driver. The issue seems to start when TSReader asks if the model is 5volt or 9volt. The unit I have is a 9volt so that's how I reply. At that point, TSReader will either hang or end. If I respond 5volt, the application will start and show active pid's but nothing in any of the other displays.
Although I've rebuilt the box to eliminate potential conflicts (same results), when I previously had the software that came with device running, it seemed to operate correctly. The DVBWorld software was able to lock, scan and display video.