DVR or HD upgrade

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Original poster
Sep 8, 2006
Currently Directv is offering free DVR or HD reciever upgrade, its a new promotion.

Which one whould you select?
HD or DVR??
If that was my only 2 I would take the HD. You can get a set-top DVR anywhere, all day long. It would depend somewhat on makes & models as I prefer the older non-DirecTV branded HD boxes until I really need MPEG4.
if my TV is not in HD but I get DIRECTV HD reciever then can I watch the HD games and programs in HD on my TV?
I think you can, but if you don't have HD yet, the DVR will probably be of more use to you.

I have had mine only six weeks and can't envision doing without it.

However, now I want HD...
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