EchoStar Statement Regarding the Satellite Consumer Protection Act of 2006

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Dec 3, 2003

ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--EchoStar Communications Corporation (Nasdaq:DISH - News) has issued the following statement regarding the Satellite Consumer Protection Act of 2006:

"Today, Senators Leahy, Allard, Inouye, Snowe, Rockefeller, Byrd, Salazar, Clinton, Roberts, Pryor, Enzi, and Ensign stood up for American consumers by introducing S. 4067, the 'Satellite Consumer Protection Act of 2006.'

EchoStar commends this tremendous bipartisan effort to enable innocent consumers to continue to receive distant network channels, particularly subscribers who live in rural areas and markets where there is no local broadcaster. Unfortunately, because of a court ruling that requires EchoStar to stop transmitting these signals by December 1, 2006 and the imminent adjournment of Congress, it appears that innocent consumers will lose their network signals before Congress can act on this important legislation."
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