
I am sure it is. You can go here OR here to read up and find what you need and how to use it. Don't mind the dates, no new developments since the last update, around the time of DVD-9 and DVD-R9.
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There's a lot stuff out there that will do it... best I've read about is using a combo of dvd shrink and some burning software like nero. You can expect that you will get extremly bored with this if you plan to make it a hobby as most of the software out there requires the dvds be remixed at a lower vbr and/or without subtitles and other stuff, which means it takes a good long while for it to get to a small enough format that you can burn it on a dvd at mpg1 or mpg2 quality... it can be done, just time conuming.... very time consuming. In the old days, with 1.5 ghz processors you were looking at at least 90 minutes - several hours for a dvd to be remixed to make it small and then another 30-50 minutes to burn the dvd.... and hope that the dvd plays on whatever you are trying to get it to play on, crossing fingers and toes. Nowadays, it's a little bit faster, but not much.

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