Epg updating

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 14, 2011
United States
I was wondering what updates the EPG? I was wondering why I only have a few hours of content listed in the guide and then it states no data? Can someone explain this and how can I get it so I can see up to a week of content without no data displayed.
We actually are increasing the memory so we can support 14 day EPG. It is coming for some channels. ;)

But for most...... :( you are right. EPG is an after thought.

It really makes no sense for the FTA broadcasters not to fully embrace EPG. If people know what to watch, the TV might be turned on more often and they would have more viewers.

For me, if the program is not in my EPG at least a week in advance, it isn't watched or recorded. I don't sit around and wait for something to come on TV. Sorry, I have a life! :eek:
What fta a channels do have a guide? I may have just missed them because I hardly ever hit guide, because I have never seen it work. Maybe I should start hitting once in awhile.
I've seen people complain on euro forums that their receiver only has a 4000 channel memory.
We should have such problems.
The German tv channel on c-band, DW-TV on 103 has a nice guide, shows up on other channels in my receiver though-once it loads lol. Even on KU channels it will pop up. It's in German though. I get some guide info on some of the horse racing channels on 95W also, c-band, even though they are scrambled, and seems like there is a guide on a few of the 97KU channels.
Hmm so nothing to get exited about:D...Yeah I've seen it work several times on the scrambled stuff, but nothing that is in the clear. I will have to pay more attention.
Russia Today does
and if you scan in those scrambled adult channels on 97W the guide "really" works on there ;)
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