Fired from dish.

I think it's hilarious that everyone hangs on to every word Charlie says and every statement he makes. Has anyone ever noticed that half the things he says in public directly condescend policies he puts into effect within his own company? Or how about the fact promises are made at CES, Summit and a host of other expos only for him to return to the office and then do the exact opposite?

Charlie said DISH needed to do a better job with customer service and have english-speaking representatives. HE'S THE ONLY ONE IN A POSITION TO LITERALLY FIX THAT OVERNIGHT. Yet, they remain.

Charlie said he was very disappointed in DISH for the Q3 2007 financial call, AND SHOULDERED NO BLAME HIMSELF! "I'm terribly disappointed in the company, but blame my people, not me."

Charlie keeps making all the promises of improvements and better working relationships with retailers and customers alike, AND THEN SCREAMS AT HIS EMPLOYEES! Is it a wonder after getting a ripping from Charlie (usually an hour long) that no employee really wants to deal with your problems next?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. No one, customer, retailer, company, or religous deity are going to see visible improvements in customer service or operations at DISH/EHC until such time as Charlie 1. starts following through on his promises, and 2. takes care of his employees like a CEO should. Step up to the plate Chuck. You're all about stepping up to the plate, you talk about it everytime you make a public appearance, right?

And all while he's doing this, last I heard he had trashed employee benefits (insurance, health care, support programs) and moved those funds into his spending budget; no employee below executive level has seen a cost of living increase in eight years; and DISH is notorious for underpaying EVEN COMPARED TO THE INDUSTRY AVERAGE (Van can speak to this one)... For satellite and telecom companies, Charlie pays his people less than the average for the industry and pockets the difference. Do you expect excellent customer service and a quality one-on-one experience with a McDonalds Fry Cook? Why? Then why do you expect different levels of service from their telecom equivilents? How much money do you suppose $27B is across all DISH employees? I've done the math...

People say: "If you don't like your job then quit." to these employees. I say, if these employees quit who will answer your call when you need help? Funny how this directly impacts peoples' wants, and yet no one except the employees even mention it publically.

Google is world-renowned for innovation and customer service. They hire only the best talent, pay INCREDIBLY well, and have any benefit I think I've ever heard of available to their employees 24/7. In 2006 CEO of Google Eric Schmidt was worth $4.8B, rank #129 of the world's richest people. Charlie Ergen ranked #62 at $10B. Put some of that money back in Chuck.
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BTW.....What did ever do to offend dish network? This is probably the only website on the whole damn internet that forbids hack talk. We all know who gets hacked on regular basis for the past several years. We do nothing here but promote
people to have legal legitimate subsriptions to their favorite pay tv channels.

I think Dish needs to put their radars on the illegal websites and leave the moral site ( alone.

Not to mention this site has quite a few members and is growing. A little bad publicity on Charlie's part could spread a long way.

Many many people do tech support for dish on this site.....You know when the customer calls for help and no one comes right away.....They find us and we guide them through the fix.

Oh and I love how large companies now like to pry into personal internet use. I know a company that does not allow personal cellphones with internet capability within their facility. It's not like they are some secret secure company either.
Oh and I love how large companies now like to pry into personal internet use. I know a company that does not allow personal cellphones with internet capability within their facility. It's not like they are some secret secure company either.
Name a company that controls what their employees do when they're at home regarding the internet. And if a company *thinks* they can do this, how do they control or enforce it ?

As for internet-capable cellphones, I'm not sure the reasoning there.... I do know many companies that don't allow cameras inside their factories or machine shops. At my work, if you're not a US citizen, you're not allowed in different areas of our building. They do this to protect tools or methods that are used or to keep un-released projects or designs from being made public. Going further, and this is a gov't restriction, if people are from "certain" countries, we have to 'report' that they'll be here.
Name a company that controls what their employees do when they're at home regarding the internet. walmart! there are websites that are anti walmart, if u work for them and get caught on one either posting or just being a member instant termination!!! no ifs ands or buts about it !! And if a company *thinks* they can do this, how do they control or enforce it ? the same way dish does
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Yeah man come on it was just a pissed off supervisor she got my " supposed" username from someone outside of work. My pda has its own internet thats why my post lack so much its hard to type on... I knew the warning also, yeah I denied alot. but since i then was aware of a posting possibility it was a conflict of interest with dish. There was no winning our director of the whole call center left had better place to work and he was a really great guy but when he went out the door all hell broke losse EVERYBODY is focused on stats be fast on your calls and you get paid more yeah wonder why people get hung up on. sh*t there were new employees beating my average call handle time we all know whos hanging up or just transferring look at there handle time its getting outraqeous my supervisor came to multiple times about slipping in from the higher ranks in overall performance I told her come on people are just staring to Bullsh!t more and more im not going to do it so yeah people will start beating me she just wants to get paid more because her team did great.

I deal with Dish CSR 's all day. You just confirmed my suspicion that the CRS' are "graded 'on how many calls they handle in a shift. Is it not tue that CSR's are also discouraged from allowing a customer or a tech for that matter to speak to a coach?
When I can't get results form a CSR who refuses to do what is policy and has been done often (work order changes/ modifications) ask to speak to the CSR"S Coach..That usually solves my issues right there. The CSR's seem to be reluctant to allow me to spak to a supervisor.
I think it's hilarious that everyone hangs on to every word Charlie says and every statement he makes. Has anyone ever noticed that half the things he says in public directly condescend policies he puts into effect within his own company? Or how about the fact promises are made at CES, Summit and a host of other expos only for him to return to the office and then do the exact opposite?

Charlie said DISH needed to do a better job with customer service and have english-speaking representatives. HE'S THE ONLY ONE IN A POSITION TO LITERALLY FIX THAT OVERNIGHT. Yet, they remain.

Charlie said he was very disappointed in DISH for the Q3 2007 financial call, AND SHOULDERED NO BLAME HIMSELF! "I'm terribly disappointed in the company, but blame my people, not me."

Charlie keeps making all the promises of improvements and better working relationships with retailers and customers alike, AND THEN SCREAMS AT HIS EMPLOYEES! Is it a wonder after getting a ripping from Charlie (usually an hour long) that no employee really wants to deal with your problems next?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. No one, customer, retailer, company, or religous deity are going to see visible improvements in customer service or operations at DISH/EHC until such time as Charlie 1. starts following through on his promises, and 2. takes care of his employees like a CEO should. Step up to the plate Chuck. You're all about stepping up to the plate, you talk about it everytime you make a public appearance, right?

And all while he's doing this, last I heard he had trashed employee benefits (insurance, health care, support programs) and moved those funds into his spending budget; no employee below executive level has seen a cost of living increase in eight years; and DISH is notorious for underpaying EVEN COMPARED TO THE INDUSTRY AVERAGE (Van can speak to this one)... For satellite and telecom companies, Charlie pays his people less than the average for the industry and pockets the difference. Do you expect excellent customer service and a quality one-on-one experience with a McDonalds Fry Cook? Why? Then why do you expect different levels of service from their telecom equivilents? How much money do you suppose $27B is across all DISH employees? I've done the math...

People say: "If you don't like your job then quit." to these employees. I say, if these employees quit who will answer your call when you need help? Funny how this directly impacts peoples' wants, and yet no one except the employees even mention it publically.

Google is world-renowned for innovation and customer service. They hire only the best talent, pay INCREDIBLY well, and have any benefit I think I've ever heard of available to their employees 24/7. In 2006 CEO of Google Eric Schmidt was worth $4.8B, rank #129 of the world's richest people. Charlie Ergen ranked #62 at $10B. Put some of that money back in Chuck.

Wow I was totally moved!!!!!!
I think it's hilarious that everyone hangs on to every word Charlie says and every statement he makes. Has anyone ever noticed that half the things he says in public directly condescend policies he puts into effect within his own company? Or how about the fact promises are made at CES, Summit and a host of other expos only for him to return to the office and then do the exact opposite?

Charlie said DISH needed to do a better job with customer service and have english-speaking representatives. HE'S THE ONLY ONE IN A POSITION TO LITERALLY FIX THAT OVERNIGHT. Yet, they remain.

Charlie said he was very disappointed in DISH for the Q3 2007 financial call, AND SHOULDERED NO BLAME HIMSELF! "I'm terribly disappointed in the company, but blame my people, not me."

Charlie keeps making all the promises of improvements and better working relationships with retailers and customers alike, AND THEN SCREAMS AT HIS EMPLOYEES! Is it a wonder after getting a ripping from Charlie (usually an hour long) that no employee really wants to deal with your problems next?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. No one, customer, retailer, company, or religous deity are going to see visible improvements in customer service or operations at DISH/EHC until such time as Charlie 1. starts following through on his promises, and 2. takes care of his employees like a CEO should. Step up to the plate Chuck. You're all about stepping up to the plate, you talk about it everytime you make a public appearance, right?

And all while he's doing this, last I heard he had trashed employee benefits (insurance, health care, support programs) and moved those funds into his spending budget; no employee below executive level has seen a cost of living increase in eight years; and DISH is notorious for underpaying EVEN COMPARED TO THE INDUSTRY AVERAGE (Van can speak to this one)... For satellite and telecom companies, Charlie pays his people less than the average for the industry and pockets the difference. Do you expect excellent customer service and a quality one-on-one experience with a McDonalds Fry Cook? Why? Then why do you expect different levels of service from their telecom equivilents? How much money do you suppose $27B is across all DISH employees? I've done the math...

People say: "If you don't like your job then quit." to these employees. I say, if these employees quit who will answer your call when you need help? Funny how this directly impacts peoples' wants, and yet no one except the employees even mention it publically.

Google is world-renowned for innovation and customer service. They hire only the best talent, pay INCREDIBLY well, and have any benefit I think I've ever heard of available to their employees 24/7. In 2006 CEO of Google Eric Schmidt was worth $4.8B, rank #129 of the world's richest people. Charlie Ergen ranked #62 at $10B. Put some of that money back in Chuck.

100% agreement.
I deal with Dish CSR 's all day. You just confirmed my suspicion that the CRS' are "graded 'on how many calls they handle in a shift. Is it not tue that CSR's are also discouraged from allowing a customer or a tech for that matter to speak to a coach?
When I can't get results form a CSR who refuses to do what is policy and has been done often (work order changes/ modifications) ask to speak to the CSR"S Coach..That usually solves my issues right there. The CSR's seem to be reluctant to allow me to spak to a supervisor.

You could have just asked too. As I recall transferring unnecessarily gets them into trouble (even on request.) I wouldn't think they're discouraged from escalating to supervisors, but that said due to the above, supervisors wanting to deal with you is probably a different story. They are still issuing quotas last I heard and you have to have a handle time (time between picking up the phone and hanging it up) of about 2 minutes I think. You have 30 seconds to actually pick up the phone to begin with (who wants to take a poke at that one?)

The first words out of most peoples mouths is "I want to talk to your boss." Most of those can actually be dealt with by the CSRs. That said, I've had people give me that line before (which is just insulting in my position,) and I've told them no. They hang up, they call back, and they wind back up at my desk. *shrug* But then again, I'm not them so...
You know, Scott. To help mitigate the rodent problem, don't you think it would be a good idea to block access to the site from any E* owned domain?

I would imagine that would mitigate it to a certain extent. But it wouldn't be too hard to get around via proxy or just using a common internet service provider for monitoring these forums.
Funny how (last I knew) you could goto from within E* computers, not to mention the other site as well. Along with mapquest and google. Point being they are setting a trap.
You know, Scott. To help mitigate the rodent problem, don't you think it would be a good idea to block access to the site from any E* owned domain?
You would think it a good idea as I did for a split second till I remembered that the upper offices of E have accounts here from what Scott has said, cutting access would send a bad signal and could seriously harm the good standing relationship that Scott has with Charlie and company.
I would imagine that would mitigate it to a certain extent. But it wouldn't be too hard to get around via proxy or just using a common internet service provider for monitoring these forums.

Funny how (last I knew) you could goto from within E* computers, not to mention the other site as well. Along with mapquest and google. Point being they are setting a trap.

I promise you, an employee who does that will be fired for that too.
Last I remember ( this is for all three ) was that you had to log into any of the computers to get net access wich is the first big step into watching what each employee does that has net access.

Security at the dns facilities is highly wanting and anybody could walk in with a camera phne and they do each and every day wich from what I heard is how pictures of a receiver ended up on here prior to its release while it was in beta.

As for the pay being below industry standards I actually cant say wether it is or isnt as Dish is the only company that I've worked for but I can say that there were times it did seem like I wasnt getting payed enough for what I was doing specialy when I would run into a sub that would brag that he had made $2k by his fifth day but still I had benefits he didnt.

Charlie has definitely moved away from the good employer he used to be and I'd liken him now to the same level as a slumlord for not taking care of his employee's, Your employee's are your front line and who your customers see and talk to and if your employee's are unhappy Charlie then your customers will see it and know it and tell others.
You know, Scott. To help mitigate the rodent problem, don't you think it would be a good idea to block access to the site from any E* owned domain?

Besides seconding what has been posted, we don't do that. I would be very disappointed to learn that we were blocking access from any site as it goes against the founding principles of this site. Let e* block us if they choose, and let e* employees use care and discretion coming here.

Everybody always wants to add controls, limits, bans, etc, and forgets that an open forum is what makes us better.
Besides seconding what has been posted, we don't do that. I would be very disappointed to learn that we were blocking access from any site as it goes against the founding principles of this site. Let e* block us if they choose, and let e* employees use care and discretion coming here.

Everybody always wants to add controls, limits, bans, etc, and forgets that an open forum is what makes us better.

Besides seconding what has been posted, we don't do that. I would be very disappointed to learn that we were blocking access from any site as it goes against the founding principles of this site. Let e* block us if they choose, and let e* employees use care and discretion coming here.

Everybody always wants to add controls, limits, bans, etc, and forgets that an open forum is what makes us better.

IIRC, this site used to be blocked from Echostar domains. A couple of years ago, I tried to get on from work to see if I could, and DBStalk came up when I typed it in. However, when I tried to get on I got a page that simply said something like "Sorry, Charlie. Access unavailable from this domain" or some such thing.

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