First snowstorm of the season...

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Dec 19, 2008
Woke up to a white landscape this morning... first major winter storm to hit the area on the early side this year. Areas east of my location have been without electricity for almost 24 hours now and internet here is intermittent (wet snow coating my 900MHz antenna). Looks pretty though... See the picture; guess the flowers in the hanging bowl next to the satellite dish are likely done for this year, forecast temps down to 27F overnight... :(


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Welcome to winter! Looks beautiful!

We had 100 degrees on Wednesday and should be in the 80's today. The forecasters are not predicting any snow... :)
my uncle in Warroad, MN (right on the Canadian border) got 9 inches of snow yesterday

They had 82 on Tuesday
brrr,keep that crap up north!!

It's pretty but,wet snows are almost as bad as ice storms.
Keep the snow up north! 70 here today. Rain and 56 tomorrow. We usually get our first frost around Oct 15th and I've seen snow on Halloween before. Hoping for another mild winter myself
When is the next flight to Costa Rica?
No way! I can hardly wait for the coming ice-age when kids south of the Mason-Dixon line lace-up ice skates and hit their local frozen lakes and ponds each...well, each and every day. :)

Well here in the NC mtns.I have seen winters that had local rivers frozen for days.Had an old football that had been overthrown to the other side,stayed there until the following winter and I was able to scoot across and get it.That was sometime back in the 80's it was like -10F for lows 3 days straight.Sure don't wanna see anymore of that.I'm ready for more of the global warming lol.
Keep the snow up north! 70 here today. Rain and 56 tomorrow. We usually get our first frost around Oct 15th and I've seen snow on Halloween before. Hoping for another mild winter myself

We actually had 2 sciffs of snow before Halloween last year,then come Dec it was almost spring like.
Yeah I have not seen a real bad winter here since the eighties. Yes I know we had that big storm in '93, but the rest of winter was not too bad, and that was in March..;)
I hope we don't have another mild winter like last year down here. We had no freezes, although we came close a couple of nights. Highly unusual to have a winter without a single freeze event. Of course, the insects breed like wildfire after a "winter" like that.
Forecast for Monday night here in central Va is a low of 30*, which means we'll probably have our first frost of the season. Leaves on the poplar trees have started falling so it won't be but a couple of weeks and they all will probably be in my yard, which reminds me. I need to overhaul the carburetor on my leaf blower as the pump quit working last spring...........? Hummm!
Only had about 1" or less snow here most of the precip was rain, but farther east closer to the Lake of the Woods some reports were over a foot. Really cold this am lots of frost, leaves are falling steadily here now too. I just leave them on the grass, helps protect it from the elements during the winter, the lawn mower beaks them up nicely in the spring. Enjoying the sunny weather today and it warmed up nicely, still a cool breeze though. Almost time to go out cutting firewood for the winter...
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