Flies Inside My Set????


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 9, 2005
I have a 57 inch Sony reverse projection Television. I love the set but not the few residents it gets inside. Every once in a while we get a couple flies which end up spending a lot of time on the back of the screen doing what flies do. Is there any SIMPLE means of killing them that doesn't involve anything beyond removing the back panel? I did a lot of internet searching and it seems like I am the only one with flies in his set. I don't want to be spraying around in there so how about a fly strip or piece of one or something like that. :hungry:
1- unplug set
2-take back off
3-plug in a bug zapper about 4 feet behind your TV
4-staple screen door mesh over ventilation holes on back panel
5 stop eating over the set
6- reassemble
7- thank you for the laugh!
Ha Ha but I am not laughing. I currently have 3 of the little sheets in there no doubt pooing up the place. The worst part is that they spend all their time on the screen when it's on. I can't believe no one ever had this problem before. Yes once they are gone I am going to screen the back vent holes. Boy would I love to cut loose with the hornet spray...................................

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