Future of 30 second skip?

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Mar 5, 2004
I am strongly considering switching from E* to D*, mainly to get Tivo season pass functionality. I am concerned, however, that DirecTivo, particularly under Murdoch, will completely eliminate the 30 second skip feature, which I place great value on. I figure the best indication of whether this will happen is whether Murdoch's European satellite TV (Sky TV?) services offer the 30 second skip feature. Does anyone know whether they do or do not?

I don't know If they are going to keep the 30 second skip or not but I do know it still works on the new "C" version software and I plan to back it up and save it on a CD rom disk and if they do take it away I will load the "C" version back on my DVR's and unplug them from the phone line. If they decide to disable the DVR's that do not have the latest software then I still have my three Dish Network 508 DVR's and I will go back to Dish Network.
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