Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Sounds like the right time to buy into the oil stocks as it is supposed to hit $4 widespread soon from what I am hearing on the news.
Would have been better to buy low before the spike; thus maximizing profit; buying now may be too late..

Yeah but who knew when the buy signal was to be seen. I just read the first post in the thread and it showed prices in the low $2 range. Sad to think that that price is considered low. It was less than ten years ago that prices were sub $1.
about 5 years+ or so ago economists were actually claiming that oil's floor price may have been $60 /brl and that upper 80's to upper 90's avg was a good bet as China and other emerging markets BOOMED (and continue to) all while the talked about decline in remaining global reserves. And this while our nation's thirst and habits will likely almost remain constant along with the inability to get approvals to build new/more refineries and exploration areas.

That recently discovered HUGE Brazilian field will calm some reserve fears but it will likely take 7 - 10 years to begin make it to market.
$3.26 on monday to $3.37 on tuesday at sams club here in Athens and $50 for me to fill up most of a 17 gallon tank.

We've cut way down on our driving by combining all our errands into one day and good routing with most of the driving on the bypass. I drive to work three days a week so in total we may be driving four days out of the week and have cut down our driving considerably.
$3.26 on monday to $3.37 on tuesday at sams club here in Athens and $50 for me to fill up most of a 17 gallon tank.

We've cut way down on our driving by combining all our errands into one day and good routing with most of the driving on the bypass. I drive to work three days a week so in total we may be driving four days out of the week and have cut down our driving considerably.

The great thing about some of this; we are all learning to change our habits some to what we should have been doing all along; like your post suggests above. !! Good going!
The hardest part is going to work, I'm not a morning person and with my shift starting at 4am it's hell for me to try and go to bed at 7 or 8 in the evening so I end up hitting the snooze on the alarm thats on the far side of the room enough times that I leave at a time that I have to do about 70 most of the way there. Driving home I'll do 55 and 65 on the bypass but I'd rather do the same on my way to work. I'm kicking myself now for my choice in tires two years ago because I went with a smaller and wider tire to save $70 when its lowered my fuel economy down by 20 - 50 miles depending on where I drive at.
Saw some gas for $3.55 and filled it up with half a tank (12 gallons). I have been filling up sooner lately as I know that gas is going to go up before my tank gets down to 1/4 tank. It sucks to have an F-150.
Saw some gas for $3.55 and filled it up with half a tank (12 gallons). I have been filling up sooner lately as I know that gas is going to go up before my tank gets down to 1/4 tank. It sucks to have an F-150.
I'll fill up before I head to work this evening... I would usually wait till this set is over Tuesday Morning but... my F150 doesn't do too bad, single cab with the small V-8...