Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Gas had been at $2.06 at the gas stations near me in one town. Good prices compared to the other town nearby which has been at $2.29. Sheetz opened up a week or two ago and they put it at $1.89 (all the other ones followed shortly thereafter) yet the other town raised their price to $2.49. Crazy. They have it back down to $2.29 now. Then the towns with Sheetz kept dropping it over and over and now we are at $1.78 with the gas price war going on between Sheetz and the gas stations at the next exit. Cheapest gas I have seen in at least 10-12 years in my area.
Gas price war continues here. They all dropped it down to $1.75 then Sheetz went to $1.72, they went back to $1.75 but another station is at $1.72 now.