I just got a GI 2730R and while Googling around for a manual, I found a discussion comment that the 2750 and 2750R have a lithium battery.
The date on the bottom of mine is 1990 and the previous owner claimed it was still working when he "pulled the plug" at least 4 years ago.
If the 2730R has this battery for the SRAM, how do I determine if the SRAM memory is still in tact. Or do I have a dead "Door Stop".
I don't have my dish up right now and have only powered up the box and checked a couple function (lacking a manual).
The date on the bottom of mine is 1990 and the previous owner claimed it was still working when he "pulled the plug" at least 4 years ago.
If the 2730R has this battery for the SRAM, how do I determine if the SRAM memory is still in tact. Or do I have a dead "Door Stop".
I don't have my dish up right now and have only powered up the box and checked a couple function (lacking a manual).