Guidance would be appreciated

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Original poster
Apr 3, 2006

I have a HD ready TV. I live in the NYC market about 38 miles west of NYC. I have been a member in good standing for 8 years. I would like to get the HD/DVR receiver and I assume I need a new dish (I have the 3LNB). What is the best way for I to go get this upgrade performed?

damaged said:
Call retention: 800-824-9081

I would call them, they have been giving out a lot of the HDDVR's for free. or 99 dollars both are great deals, if you havent been giving anything free in your what was it 8 years? I would push for one of those deals!
Don't I need the newer HD/DVR to receive the local NY channels as well as a new dish? An OTA would not work for me (mountains and distance).

No freebies from Directv ever.
Please reply by conversation.

lost channels, searching sat 1

Anyone in Memphis have new DVR/dish?

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