Happy Thanksgiving!

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Same here. This is one of the best places on-line. Have met some great people here on this board!
I hope everyone has a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!!!
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7 of us. But smoking two turkeys. One 15 lb, one 12. The 15 gets a special treatment, duck fat under the skin.

Second bird is to ensure leftovers for folks to take home, and the obligatory offering for work on Friday at the "Leftovers Pot Luck."

Yes, I have to work on Friday.
We did the buffet bar at a restaurant and skipped all the cooking and dish washing.I'm about to bust.
Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

The legs portion of the 15 lb one. Recipe had them go in smoker early, to go to 180 while the breast portion goes to 160-165.
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