HD Receiver, no HD TV.

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Original poster
Sep 11, 2006

I have an HD receiver because a HD tv is being delivered to me however for now I am using a regular TV. When I hook up my HD receiver all I get is that it is searching for a signal. I have a DVR receiver that works fine. What can I do

Receiver ID 0231 6463 8654
Serial # A03BC6HE220626
DTV PN: H20-100

Dish Info:
Model FW9
S/N: F00F61603868C01
mikefran13 said:

I have an HD receiver because a HD tv is being delivered to me however for now I am using a regular TV. When I hook up my HD receiver all I get is that it is searching for a signal. I have a DVR receiver that works fine. What can I do

Receiver ID 0231 6463 8654
Serial # A03BC6HE220626
DTV PN: H20-100

Dish Info:
Model FW9
S/N: F00F61603868C01
What type of dish do you have it hooked up too ? What is a FW9 ?, I am unfarmiliar with that model.
HD required at least a 3 LNB dish.

HD receiver can work with any dish even in the settings menu it gives you options to select any dish.
One possible problem is a wrong multiswitch. In fact if you have a wrong multiswitch it is not only gonna be "searching for satellite" but it will permanently damage your HD receiver and you will need to replace it. I've seen that happen.
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NFL Replay is HD. Where is it D*?

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