We have the HD DVR receiver downstairs in living room and just purchased a new HD TV for the bedroom. Currently in the bedroom was a older Tivio receiver, can I just purchase a new HD reciever for the bedroom and start recieving HD channels or do I have to run new wires to this upstairs room reciever. Currently just coxial cable to the bedroom reciever.
When Direct TV installed the new HD dish and reciever new cables have been run to the TV in the living room, so I naturally thought new calbes must be ran upstairs as well. Well can't seem to find the answer to this question.
I phone tech support at Direct Tv and they weren't sure how to answer my question. It would be difficult to run these wires upstaris and wanted to be sure either way before I purchase a new HD reciver. Would hate to purchase it and it wouldn't work as planned.
When Direct TV installed the new HD dish and reciever new cables have been run to the TV in the living room, so I naturally thought new calbes must be ran upstairs as well. Well can't seem to find the answer to this question.
I phone tech support at Direct Tv and they weren't sure how to answer my question. It would be difficult to run these wires upstaris and wanted to be sure either way before I purchase a new HD reciver. Would hate to purchase it and it wouldn't work as planned.