Here we grow again!

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Sorry that was me, I was copying something and ran out of space in the /tmp partition. :) (Whoops) :D

All fixed now.
scott the new server is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! veary quick~~ Im getting about 314kb transfer rate from the servers pipline on a 3 meg dsl connection..

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\goaliebob99>ping
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 42ms, Maximum = 44ms, Average = 42ms
C:\Documents and Settings\goaliebob99>tracert
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms home []
2 17 ms 17 ms 15 ms [68.7
3 16 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
4 17 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
5 18 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
6 15 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
7 16 ms 19 ms 17 ms [151.164
8 16 ms 17 ms 17 ms [
9 16 ms 17 ms 17 ms [
10 16 ms 43 ms 43 ms []
11 42 ms 40 ms 43 ms []
12 40 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
13 41 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
14 46 ms 41 ms 41 ms [
15 119 ms 43 ms 44 ms []
16 46 ms 43 ms 43 ms []
17 43 ms 43 ms 42 ms [
18 41 ms 43 ms 46 ms []
Trace complete.
C:\Documents and Settings\goaliebob99>
The main problem that I was having was displaying the threads. Sometimes it would come back with "Page cannot be displayed". So my problem wasn't latency or network connection but the server not processing the php requests fast enough. It was so slow that eventually the php request was timing out. I tried 4 different browsers and it did it in all of them.

I've tested it so far this morning and haven't had the problem at all. So the new server seems to be handling the load just great. Thanks for the upgrade!
Glad it is working good. Ler and I are working behind the scenes, so you COULD see periods where they system is funky, we are currently installing the firewall. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
If you are still seeing the address then you are still getting stuff off of the old servers as your ISP has not upgraded its DNS tables yet.
Because I'm being pedantic, the ISP doesn't have to do anything. It's just a DNS Caching issue, and the issue is when they got the record and our TTL.

It should all update itself within the day.

We are currently moving stuff to our new server, you may notice a slowdown when GZIP kicks in to compress the files for the move. Things should return to normal in about 30 - 45 minutes (maybe less) :D
thank you to all the founding supporters who have donated again. you guys are the reason we are the number one satellite site on the web.
What are some more details on the servers? Are you using linux/other unix or windows (please tell me not windows :)) and are you using apache? If you're using apache you could use mod_rewrite to force people who have old DNS to your new server, just point people who look for to new.server.ip/images if you have copied over the same directory structure. Just something to think about in the future if you need to do another move and don't want to wait around for DNS to catch up.
JosephB said:
What are some more details on the servers? Are you using linux/other unix or windows (please tell me not windows :)) and are you using apache? If you're using apache you could use mod_rewrite to force people who have old DNS to your new server, just point people who look for to new.server.ip/images if you have copied over the same directory structure. Just something to think about in the future if you need to do another move and don't want to wait around for DNS to catch up.
Linux Servers. The DNS has low enough TTL's that rewrite games aren't necessary.

Just an update. Our ISP still has not upgraded our memory. So we are still waiting for it. I just rebooted the web server to clear our the swap (and I also made some system tweeks as well)

I am very happy with the new systems. I am able to do work now which before sometimes took the site to a grinding halt.

With that I am off to bed, good night all. :D
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