Hopper Software Update Coming along with Pandora!

Hi all, I received 208 on my Hopper around 11:30 PST last night. So far, so good. I now have Pandora, Facebook and maybe a few other new apps - I'm not sure because I can't remember what was there before. I also went form 100% used space on my DVR to only 44% used space. All kinds of new space now available to me for recording shows!

Pandora and FaceBook are showing up with folks still at S207.
I am told that one of the biggest changes in the new software is that the user partition now doubled to 1TB excluding PrimetimeAnytime....

That is quite the scoop!

Just to make sure I understand it: is it 1 TB if you turn off PTAT?

That's what I think, otherwise why would Scott say, "excluding PrimetimeAnytime".

currently it's 500GB User / 500GB PTAT / 1TB Dish

Scott is saying it would now be 1TB User / 500GB PTAT / 500GB Dish

So what you're saying is that Dish Unplugged (or whatever it's called) went away? Something disappeared! This also does not make sense that Scott would say, "excluding PrimetimeAnytime" if that partition is still there and not counted against the user quota. I think Ilya got it right, and if PTAT is enabled, you don't necessarily get to use the whole TB.

OTOH, anybody that still complains about hdd space can now officially be called a whiner.

Well, then, I'm a whiner because I would like the option of turning off everything Dish wants to foist upon me, which I will never use, and recover the whole entire disk! So there!
And, I would suspect that if that were true, many of the nagging issues discovered by members here within hours of being installed could/would/should have been identified by those beta testers initially...
I question how hard the beta testers look for problems or if they encounter any, do they report them ? Is there a fear of reporting too many problems will get you removed from the test pool ? I HAVE seen that happen in the commercial software world.
hMMM hOPER got Pandora and Facebook but Joey did not get any of them, but i have been having trouble with my joey everyday i turn it on it says cant connect to Hoper and i have to reset it 4or5 times b4 i can watch it.
hMMM hOPER got Pandora and Facebook but Joey did not get any of them, but i have been having trouble with my joey everyday i turn it on it says cant connect to Hoper and i have to reset it 4or5 times b4 i can watch it.

So how do you know the Joey didn't can't make use of the updates?
Im just saying that my JOey does not show Pandora or Facebook. Y this is i can only speculate and i am thinking it is because my Joey has trouble everymorining when i turn on my Joey it says it cant connect to my Hopper so i reset it 4or5 times then i can watch tv
Sounds like Dish did what many of us were thinking. Keep the partition for PTAT, reduce the section reserved for Dish.
I am on 208, I can't play programs from my external hard drive that I no longer subscribe to but that is nothing new. My portion of the dvr is 1000gb or 1 tb. The green button on the remote does nothing now as it says its not an active feature.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I question how hard the beta testers look for problems or if they encounter any, do they report them ? Is there a fear of reporting too many problems will get you removed from the test pool ? I HAVE seen that happen in the commercial software world.

my 'guess' would be that they encourage reporting.
That's what I think, otherwise why would Scott say, "excluding PrimetimeAnytime".
Or, it simply means that it's a full 1TB to the user, with the 500GB that used to belong to PTAT moving elsewhere.

So what you're saying is that Dish Unplugged (or whatever it's called) went away? Something disappeared!
Why? They can just reduce the size of the VOD partition. No need to make it go away entirely.

Well, then, I'm a whiner because I would like the option of turning off everything Dish wants to foist upon me, which I will never use, and recover the whole entire disk! So there!
Yes. You are being a whiner. I, too, do not use PTAT or PPVOD. But, I am satisfied with 1TB of user space. That's a lot of space. And, I understand that these useless-to-me features do require a certain amount of overhead. (They just didn't require 75%)
It's impossible to make everyone happy. It's a set-top box, not a computer. Go build a HTPC if you want 100% control.

Oh and I just wanted to point out that this is one more software update notch in the hoppers belt. I believe someone here didn't believe this would happen until the summer and we would be stuck with launch bugs for months... just say'in. :sips a glass of milk
--- so, what bugs were repaired in this update? - any reports? - the 1TB partition for the user is a plus, but i don't see anyone reporting any bugs that were attended in this update - others are reporting that the pandora and facebook apps are working even without the update, just wondering ---
Or, it simply means that it's a full 1TB to the user, with the 500GB that used to belong to PTAT moving elsewhere.

For the record, I think that {giving the user 500GB more to play with if he doesn't use PTAT} is a terrific update and answers several complaints. I am extremely skeptical that Dish will ever reduce the VOD partition, so I expect PTAT users to find their available space getting smaller as the days count up to 8.

They can just reduce the size of the VOD partition. No need to make it go away entirely.

Are we talking about the same company? :rolleyes:

Fed up with dishonline going INSANE!!!!!

Major S209 Error - PTAT Failure

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