Hopper Wins In Court AGAIN!

Dish can't win them all so its only a matter of time before something hits them on these things.

In the mean time since they have beat Disney I'd like to have ESPNU in HD please. k thx
Dish can't win them all so its only a matter of time before something hits them on these things.

In the mean time since they have beat Disney I'd like to have ESPNU in HD please. k thx

With the injunctions denied it will be a year or two before a trial. Dish is safe for now with autohop.
Dish can't win them all so its only a matter of time before something hits them on these things.

In the mean time since they have beat Disney I'd like to have ESPNU in HD please. k thx

Beat Disney? Not exactly. ABC's suit over Autohop was dismissed, but that was not a win for their content/licensing disputes.
I would go further. I think even the old non HD dish dvrs..510
were the start of something great!

Those machines were fast as lightening.

While I had one of those 50X models and loved it, those models were no match for TiVo at the time. It was Dish's very first in-house DVR (the old DishPlayer 7100 which preceded the 50X were also superior, much more like TiVo in advanced features, but software was owned by Microsoft and that was the reason Dish went in-house for all future DVR's) with an interface not that great and rudimentary functions and completely lacking Name Based Recording, and they were ONE tuner DVR's. The subsequent the DishPro 721 had two tuners and very good UI and good features (a better weather "app") but still lacked Name Based Recording. The subsequent 522 & 625 were what the doctor ordered and put Dish on the path to achieve best DVR of all competitors with the ViP's to come.
My 501 eventually got name based recoding via firmware update. It was a great receiver, plus I think it's the only model that didn't get PPV stuff pushed to a Dish-only part of the disk... Because of the disk's size.
I had a 508. It was nice, but I preferred the 721. A friend had TiVo. I hated TiVo. Too annoying, too cutsey and I had no need for the (defeatable) "suggestions" feature. And I certainly don't remember it being fast, but maybe I'm thinking of his D* receiver.
My 501 eventually got name based recoding via firmware update. It was a great receiver, plus I think it's the only model that didn't get PPV stuff pushed to a Dish-only part of the disk... Because of the disk's size.

I agree.Once they implemented the new s/w to skirt around the tivo lawsuit,it was a different story.The dishplayer was also nice,but at the time the 501 was faster,and less buggy.Still question why Dish never returned some of those features,after the tivo settlement.
Well, sticking your head in the sand doesnt help either.

Look, I get it, Dish is proving their point that the big broadcasters wont stop the autohop tech. Whoooopeeeee... Folks here and every where else can pat themselves on the back over it, but at the end of the day the broadcasters own the content. You want to think that when CBS/Fox/etc... finish getting their butt's handed to them over autohop they arent going to lay it to dish at contract time, then I have to some swamp land to sell you.

I love my Hopper, and dont use autohop, so I think all of this is silly and problematic.

To me PTAT is groundbreaking, you dont need autohop.

You've missed the most important point about autohop. The commercials are included with the content. Autohop only gives the user the capability of skipping commercials if so desired. It really is not automatic. Therefore, the content providers have no beef. Nothing of the content is changed when downloaded. Some content gets skipped at the user's desire. Sounds pretty cut and dry to me and I do believe that the courts will see it the same way. Now, as previously suggested, rates may go up because the providers may start charging more for the content (to "get even" so to speak) but, if they do, they will regret it in the long run, IMHO. I already skip most network prime time shows now. I really think Dish should consider making the networks an "optional" package that users can subscribe to or not. Or maybe make it like the Super Station packages so that you can subscribe to a particular network individually. That could reduce costs considerably for those who do not need nor want ABC, CBS, Fox, or NBC.
I'm not sure why everyone is so afraid that the networks are going to stick it to Dish and have some major price hike just to get back at them. As Scott stated before, it isn't legal for them to do that.
I'm not sure why everyone is so afraid that the networks are going to stick it to Dish and have some major price hike just to get back at them. As Scott stated before, it isn't legal for them to do that.

Where there's a will, there's a way... I'm sure the networks are looking for ways to bend the rules...

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My figuring is if we see Fox Sports 1 on Dish then Fox's bark is a lot worse then it's bite.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Plus, in other major broadcaster vs. MPVD dispute that got ugly, it was the people who complained to their representative in D.C. as to why they can't watch their sports on their local channel that was "taken away" from the big broadcaster. Congress got involved with hearings, openly pushing parties to come to an agreement, and this really means the broadcasters are in the less favorable position in that at hearings, broadcasters are remind that they have a FREE license and those local channels are still owned by the people and that broadcasters are reminded of their use of the airwaves for the "community" good, and how are "mu constituents supposed to get timely update during dangerous weather if they can't get one of their big local stations. Isn't that part of your duty for public affaris?" No longer legal requirements those are, but Congress stands ready to do so if the broadcasters and MVPD don't come to a quick agreement, and that usually means the broadcaster really can NOT stick it to the MVPD: broadcasters no longer have the leverage and end up the loser. When CBS was pulled from Dish last time, it was old Mel K. who felt Congress hot on his neck, and he blinked after about a day after the hearings. And as for the previous TWC Vs. Disney (ABC O&O's) it was pretty much the same thing. The broadcasters are in an terrible position to hold out on the MVPD's. Ol' Les can only push so far before it bites him in the form of unwanted new federal laws for broadcasters. One of them should be we auction off all those FREE LUNCH OTA broadcast licenses, and get some money out of them, at least.

Keep in mind these were, and only happens, when it is the O&O's that are in the largest cities in America, the stations owned by the broadcast network, not the much smaller disputes in smaller DMA's.
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Well, after some time with autohop and PTAT, here is my 0.02 :)

  • With the delay to start autohop on first commercial at each break, and stopping during the end of the last commercial, it doesn't seem any faster than hitting the button on the remote to FFW'd.
  • I agree with Dish that by having to enable PTAT, and say yes to autohop on EVERY program you watch, its a user choice and I think the networks should suck it
  • PTAT is not something Ill use, ever. I like OTA too much and its really not convenient for me with the way I manage timers, actually was more of a headache. I am keeping it enabled for 1 day so I can use autohop.
  • Call me a convert, because while I still dont think autohop is worth pissing the big 4 off, I will use it for sheer convenience. I'm not tied to the remote for commercial breaks which eases up doing things around the house like cooking, messing with the dogs, etc...
  • Finally, it seems to be more accurate starting and stopping with the commercial break on OTA, vs HD lil, for whatever reason. And oh yeah, when can I get autohop on cable networks? ;)
So question is does PTAT require 4 (or more?) channels on a spotbeam or would a national transponder do?
If the latter then could we have a choice of groups, like a set of HBO or ESPN or other on a single transponder?
This might be more interesting than the prime-time big-4 networks.
Granted this would not give us AutoHop for these sets.
Thats what Id like to see. If they could design it in a way where if you were recording 3 programs off the same TP at the same time (Say Discovery, TLC and History for example), they would only use one tuner.
I would not be surprised in the next 5 years or so to see a receiver that records each and every TP (all 6-8 HD channels) and then allows you to watch the ones to which you are subscribed.

Of course this would require quite a few tuners and a very large hard drive - but this is the way I see things going - PTAT is only the tip of the iceberg.
There's going to have to be some innovations, just to keep subs.

"Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"

Raycom & Dish still quareling? -Dispute Settled. channels back 8/9

Fox Sports 1!

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